To Hon Martha Karua: ITS YOUR TIME! Transcend The Politburos Moves and Make The Next DP!

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u (

Dear mother Martha,

Greetings, mother Martha! Now that you finally joined Azimio, your children want you to be the neck of Jakom in the next government.

Many fearfully yet ferociously take sides in the ongoing political horn-locking duel but most still look at you with a pitiful look as you stomp your feet prer4paring tocome za attack but still delaying to " ww\ly fo Use the edit icon to pin, add or delete clips.5$was\we was as zUse the edit icon to pin, add or delete clips.Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text youe|see c do copy will be saved here. frward.

Read àet see 3544:he signs on o XDt=it ⅝6f" dented skeleton walls and surge aggressively forward. You are the suluhu to our indepted past, impoverished36s33 see 55s²6Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved

Your children wail: we are numerous but scattered far and wide; weakly d34r\ and sickly caught up between the castes battlefield in a mother's own field of vision! 

Your enslaved chilrgç5⁴dren despise, hate and betray their other siblinffgs who shoulder-lift their masters to palace before their turn comes to be either chewed or swallowed whole! So lost are the lost that they sacrifice each other so that their time of either getting chewed or swallowed whole postpones! 

Why is your voice so faint that the heavy breathing of the bulls suffocate it's energy? Come out and powerfully forth, straight and delay no more or your children loses the last piece of faith in you.

Start the suluhu time song and our voices united shall collapse their thick stonewall of eardrums. Blow the trumpet and we'll dance to the rhythm. Show the way and we shall march forward before the green-brown carpet fades into scanty black.

You are a heroine, a potential movement. Blow the trumpet loud and our mothers, wives, sisters, aunts and youths will gather in public squares to listen to your prudent voice. This is your best opportunity to prevail and make part of the next presidency.

Dear mother Martha, you should be appreciating the glitter of the galaxies of stars on your night-face as they boast of trampling the world. You are a legion against entities thirsting for the prestigious Azimio's running mate prize.

Traverse their locking horns and deliver the children safely and soundly home before the bulls scramble for your bite. Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako. It's our time, your time! It's now or never. Your response is urgently and eagerly awaited.


Hon Jamleck Kamau Expounds on His "The Great 5 Agenda" Manifesto For His Murang'a Governor Aspiration.

"Regardless of the popularity of the party you subscribe to, if you do not vote individual leaders with wisdom and forethought, you will live to cry of corruption and greater poverty! 

I chose to listen to Wanjiku and vie with Jubilee ticket against the UDA wave because Murang’a people know that I personally can deliver what they need in their 2nd governor that no competitor possesses!” Hon Jamleck Kamau.

In a widely engaged live interview by 2 consecutive morning media show presenters in Kameme Tv and Inooro Tv, Hon Jamleck Kamau expounded not only on his decision to vie for Murang’a governor with Jubilee party ticket but also on his gubernatorial aspiration foundation on his major 5 agenda. 

Health is his first of the great 5 agenda. 
Jamleck says he will introduce a programme known as Jamucare like he has been introducing in the 9 and progressive mega medical camps he has been holding across the county. He envisions Murang’a hospitals that will not suffer insufficient drugs/medicine; 
community health workers that will be well paid and equipped with basic medical test equipment like HBP monitors and first aid kits to help end preventable infections, illnesses and deaths and; more upgraded, facilitated and better equipped hospitals.

Kilimobiashara/agribusiness is Hon Jamleck’s 2nd agenda. 
He promises to establish industries and processing plants and put up systems that will integrate professional management. “This will promote farming by eliminating brokers, creating local and international ready market for Murang’a crop and animal produce, creating employment opportunities, ensure maximum food security and many more benefits,” Jamleck says. 
He also envisions creation of a Mt. Kenya Economic Block to promote more benefiting cultivation of tea and coffee. He also promises to actualize distribution of subsidized fertilizers and to; ensure sufficient water supply for both domestic, commercial and irrigation purposes.

His 3rd agenda is Youth and women empowerment. 
“Our government shall allocate Ksh 200M fund for loans. We shall unite youths, women and even the physically handicapped into groups. The groups shall then be registered and be given no interest loans from the fund to advance their projects and also get rewarded tenders by the county government. This will cultivate and nurture the spirit of investing and generally improve livelihoods. It will end unemployment and heal Murang’a of crime, drug, substance abuse and depression. I also have many more pro-youth agendas,” J.K. comments.

The 4th of the Hon Jamleck’s great 5 is education. He paints a Murang’a with a program that will ensure no bright student from needy and vulnerable backgrounds drops out of school. He also promises to ensure E.C.D.E teachers’ salaries are increased and made pensionable. He promises free lunch programme for ECDE children, building of more classrooms and adequately facilitate institutions of learning.

The 5th of Hon Jamleck’s great 5 agenda is Ward Development Fund (WDF). He says every ward shall be granted a fund for its development. The fund shall be used to fund ward development projects like water connection, electricity connection, building of more ECDE centers etc.

On the issue of wage bill, J.K. says he shall establish a system that will ensure transparency and accountability to kick out ghost workers who are paid for services and jobs they do not perform. 

Having never been mentioned in even a single corruption case (when he was Kigumo MP for 10 years and minister for Nairobi Metropolitan in Kibaki government), Hon Jamleck promises he has designed a system that will seal all corruption loopholes where public funds get lost and promises that no cartel shall taint his transparent image.

Jamleck also commented on how he will clear the pending bills that will welcome him to his new in an unsmiling pile. He says that he will clear all legitimate pending bills and ensure his budget protocol will be strictly disciplined to ensure he diminishes accumulated pending bills. 

Hon Jamleck Kamau believes, “I’m the best option for Murang’a governor in August 8 general election. A vote for me is a vote for the realization of Murang’a peoples Dream County. I humbly request for Wanjiku’s support and vote. I pray that Almighty Mwene Nyaga makes this dream come true.”

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u.

Hon. Jamleck Kamau Pulls the Rabbit Out of The Hat to the Triumph of Jubilee Party.

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u (

With youthfulness comes dancing energy, spirit of adventure, knowledge, rebelliousness, many trials and errors, pride and chest thumping. But youthfulness, with its energy flies into middle-age and rests not long before shooting up into the elder's timeslot. With age, surely comes grey hair. This the most critical timeslot. 

Because with ignorance, arrogance and pride a youth turns to be a despicable, physically mature but intellectually immature old idler, wandering in the libraries of knowledge. But with proactive reasoning, humility and diligence a youth turns into a respected, mature, age ripened person owning a behemoth bank of wisdom. I choose to reason. 

When I watch,  I remember my childhood and feel actual mortification for our young boys matching besides the wheelbarrow, as they sing loudest and dance fashionably to impress the wheelbarrow driver the most and thus book the next pleasurable wheelbarrow trip. 

A trip that more often than not got us rolled into a ditch and sent us flying in the air with a yelling only thunder can match! And the wisest of us came back not crying on the same wheelbarrow but on our limping feet and dull faces painted with remorse. 

Just like I felt powerfully ignorant, before I thoughtfully watched the Jubilee leadership and saw our elders taking control of the place and sitting in the cockpit of the orange-red plane with incredible confidence. This is what I concluded:

It's safe for the cub that follows the leader of the hunting lion pack than greedy the cub that follows the hyena because it pulls a carcass.

Our elders have a great vision for the nation. Didn't the sages say that man seated on a "njûngw'a" sees further than the tallest boy perched on the crown of the tallest tree? Amongst the men seated on the short stool is Hon Jamleck Kamau.

Hon Jamleck has a great vision. But many people fail to discern the eventuality. I had not thought deeply about his decision to join Jubilee but now I understand.

Because he decided to remain in Jubilee party, rather than board the yellow wheelbarrow, he is not a traitor. He is brave and a truely roaring lion.

A willful people that remains united for a great purpose prevail in the simple and worst challenges. And the wise people stand that they shall not hold back from doing what we must; ensure that the future of Murang'a County is only safe in the hands of Hon Jamleck. The word is spreading and deepening roots fast and far. It's only the politically ignorant who doesn't feel the thriving storm. 

Thus soon will the yellow wave fade as fast away as it first spread, on the advent of Hon Jamleck's hand holding high the best manifesto agenda and a treasure of humble, credible leadership experience into Murang'a.

"If God is for us, who can be against us? I humbly want to instil confidence in my supporters that we are stronger than we think, we are heroes and we are on the right track. Yes we will make the next Murang'a County government together! Yes I will make the 2nd Murang'a governor on Jubilee ticket. Yes we shall have credible, transformational, corruption free, diversified but convergent and wise governance! Twende mbele pamoja kabisa kabisa. Every Murang'a citizen's dream is valid. Let's unite, trust in God and work to realise it," Hon Jamleck wraps up for us.
(The writer is a; Moi University student, creative writer, unpublished author and poet, TLM Moi University editor, political analyst and blooming policy strategist).

Kigumo Basket Weavers to get International Market for their Basketry Products

By Gĩtaũ wa Kũng'ũ ( Yesterday was a great day for Murang'a Basket Weavers and the Kenyan fa...