Hello, do you take some time to meditate on the development of life in this 21st century? Well, I do! Here's one of the vibes.

The world is thirsty of water, yet 75% of the planet is water. The nations are hungry of justice, yet the school discipline masters, security guards, the police and military, courts of law and security bodies are spread into almost ¾ of a population density.

And the suffocation for lack of oxygen in the air! The world is strangled in falsehood and lies whilst a single village has 10 churches, the wachunganji pray for the tithe n offerings after promising and prophesying paradisical health n wealth everywhere. They flock on the flocks of the Lamb with Paybills and spirited dramiracles on Radio and TV stations the bus stations, matatus, market places, streets, political rallies. 

Everyone desires better living conditions, better healthcare, less cost of living, and happiness but most importantly! Most importantly... We want deeply connected, more meaningful relationships with family, relatives, friends and colleagues. That's our true human nature. 

To change the course of tomorrow, is not upon a prophesied saviour. To make the world better is not solely upon the governments and religions. To enjoy the reality of the future that humanity dreams of but works against will only be realized if you take responsibility and take charge to make positive personal change. To influence the people around you positively to influence others positively and so the society and societies, community and communities, districts, regions, nations, trade blocks, continents and the world around you positively.

Exude humility when many ride high and mighty in pride and arrogance.

Exude flawless love when the world drinks blood and eats hearts of broken people. Everything you have: that life, that beauty, that high IQ, that money you were not freely graced with! It's cost is love, truth and justice. It's cost is freedom. Many will say otherwise. But if you won't love in truth, but lie to deceive and exploit others, even with 10 layers of makeup or on latest expensive fashion, you are as ugly as the devil to your own mirror reflection!

Watch how your high flying fashionista, luxurious celebrities fall so low and down so fast from a fast up high! 

Give the best of your best to the world and to nature and you will receive the same in mysterious ways. There are barely miracles. You create them inside the rolling wheel of time.

Kigumo Basket Weavers to get International Market for their Basketry Products

By Gĩtaũ wa Kũng'ũ (profgitauwakungu@gmail.com). Yesterday was a great day for Murang'a Basket Weavers and the Kenyan fa...