By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u✒️
"Mûcie ûmenyekaga nî mûraari, ti mûrooki, (Only the owner of a house knows it inside out not a frequent visitor). We the Mt. Kenya leaders are already meeting to discuss these things," Hon Jamleck Kamau, Chairperson TARDA, Kigumo MP (2007-2017); Mûrang'a gubernatorial aspirant.
"I have always supported the president and his deputy like what every patriotic citizen should do." Hon Kamau insisted.
Well, how he respectably accepted the will of God and the voice of the people in his 2017 gubernatorial loss to Mwangi Wa Iria and still his respectful noninterference with Iria administration has proved him true to his humble, respectful philosophical nature.
On the state of the nation query: "All leaders from every corner of the nation, and particularly in Mt Kenya region should support the president on his development agenda irrespective of their political party affiliations. Mr. Kamau cited the unity of Nyanza leadership during the President's visit to the region with development goodies.
"Kieleweke,Tanga Tanga or the newest Eastern Mt Kenya region groups should come together and disregard political differences. Mt Kenya leaders must be ready to prepare for what to present to the president as their region's development incentives in unison!" Hon Kamau insisted
"We are holding meetings with various leaders from all political stands and fruits of unity are already bearing," Mr. Kamau.
Hon. Kamau also gave a wise insight on what Mt. Kenya region leaders need to do to overcome the inadequate market problem affecting the vast farming population.
He rationally resonated, "Mt. Kenya leaders must come together and make a single economic bloc to ensure our people are suppressed no more by the many middlemen and our products don't go to waste due to lack of market. A single economic bloc will have a common market for our products."
If this wise advice is followed, Mt. Kenya region will surely be more economically exuberant in the future.
The unity of the mountain for 2022 presidential politics was the other vibrant discourse. He insisted that Mt. Kenya region will meet 2022 united as one humongous voting bloc.
"Mt. Kenya region will come together under a single presidential auspice to ensure that the region stays in the government and not in the opposition," he says.
Together with other leaders like William Kabogo, HE Mwangi wa Iria, Anne Waiguru among others, Mr. Kamau is orchestrating meetings for different leaders aimed for unity of purpose for the region.
They maintain that all political differences shall be set aside for the sake of the unity of Mt Kenya region.
"Whoever will be mandated the responsibility of leading the region will be assured of undivided support to push the region's agenda forward," Mr. Kamau said.
The host wanted to know why Kigumo constituency had a giant excellence leap in not only education but also social amenities and infrastructural development in just the ten years as the MP Kigumo (2007-2017).
"That was possible due to my very close personal relationship between me and Wanjikú."
That indeed is the blueprint for his landmark improvement in Kigumo constituency in all government projects and development incentives.
"What advice would you give our youths?" The host asked.
"First, youths have been misused by politicians during elections. Politicians are oftenly friends while their supporters are bitter enemies. Youths must stop fighting and insulting others for politicians!" He advised.
"Politicians dine together and break each other's ribs with laughter. Elsewhere, youths they don't even know are breaking each others ribs with clubs and hearts with insults. Youths must not continue being idle to fight, insult for their idol!
Mr. Kamau advised that youths should make empowerment youth groups to make savings accounts in SACCOs and liaise with the government offices to be accredited with Youth Fund and Uwezo Fund to boost their business ideas and economical projects.
He discouraged the knack for petty money handed out by bad politicians to play goons and insult others in social media.
Mr. Kamau also insisted that his now county 021 household phrase, "one month notice" was to prepare the anxiously society pressing, even demanding his official declaration to vie for Mûrang'a governor for an anticipated ultimatum.
It was not to warn or threaten any other individual or parties with similar aspirations.
I quote, "gûtire ngware hûthû mahurianî" Meaning (he could not just give any stern warning to presupposed competitors because he doesn't have the authority and would even not be wise to underate the former).
"Those spreading unwarranted rumours based on misunderstanding should embark on something different. Hon Kamau insisted.
"What will you do if elected Mûrang'a governor?" The host asked.
"God willing if I'm elected the next Mûrang'a governor, I will amongst other things: protect public funds from corruption, mismanagement and embezzlement," Hon Kamau said.
"I will ensure all pending county government projects are completed and working to improve my people," he resonated.
"I have new amazing projects and development incentives I will kick off and complete before I leave office. I will fulfill my manifesto." Hon Kamau promised.
Hon. Jamleck Kamau(Kabisa Kabisa) is indeed a credible and visionary leader. Could he be the next Mûrang'a County governor?
Written by ~Gîtaû wa Kûngû~ .