By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u✒️

"Mûcie ûmenyekaga nî mûraari, ti mûrooki, (Only the owner of a house knows it inside out not a frequent visitor). We the Mt. Kenya leaders are already meeting to discuss these things," Hon Jamleck Kamau, Chairperson TARDA, Kigumo MP (2007-2017); Mûrang'a gubernatorial aspirant.

Hon Jamleck Kamau, popularly known as Jamu or Kabisa Kabisa was hosted today by Maina Kihumo in the "Rîkîratha" (Sunrise) show at KAMEME TV from 7:00-800AM.

 "The wise general of visionary and credible leadership and politics," as accorded by a group of vivacious youth leaders from across county 021, "Team Mûrang'a Generals Caucus" responded to each question and challenge in a bold, composed, well articulated, wise manner.

 With unmistakable sense of humour and use of Gîkûyû proverbs he kept the viewers glued to their Tvs and smartphones. How did he achieve this?

 "I have always supported the president and his deputy like what every patriotic citizen should do." Hon Kamau insisted.

 Well, how he respectably accepted the will of God and the voice of the people in his 2017 gubernatorial loss to Mwangi Wa Iria and still his respectful noninterference with Iria administration has proved him true to his humble, respectful philosophical nature.

On the state of the nation query: "All leaders from every corner of the nation, and particularly in Mt Kenya region should support the president on his development agenda irrespective of their political party affiliations. Mr. Kamau cited the unity of Nyanza leadership during the President's visit to the region with development goodies. 

"Kieleweke,Tanga Tanga or the newest Eastern Mt Kenya region groups should come together and disregard political differences. Mt Kenya leaders must be ready to prepare for what to present to the president as their region's development incentives in unison!" Hon Kamau insisted

"We are holding meetings with various leaders from all political stands and fruits of unity are already bearing," Mr. Kamau.

Hon. Kamau also gave a wise insight on what Mt. Kenya region leaders need to do to overcome the inadequate market problem affecting the vast farming population. 

He rationally resonated, "Mt. Kenya leaders must come together and make a single economic bloc to ensure our people are suppressed no more by the many middlemen and our products don't go to waste due to lack of market. A single economic bloc will have a common market for our products." 

If this wise advice is followed, Mt. Kenya region will surely be more economically exuberant in the future.

The unity of the mountain for 2022 presidential politics was the other vibrant discourse. He insisted that Mt. Kenya region will meet 2022 united as one humongous voting bloc. 

"Mt. Kenya region will come together under a single presidential auspice to ensure that the region stays in the government and not in the opposition," he says. 

Together with other leaders like William Kabogo, HE Mwangi wa Iria, Anne Waiguru among others, Mr. Kamau is orchestrating meetings for different leaders aimed for unity of purpose for the region. 

They maintain that  all political differences shall be set aside for the sake of the unity of Mt Kenya region. 

"Whoever will be mandated the responsibility of leading the region will be assured of undivided support to push the region's agenda forward," Mr. Kamau said.

The host wanted to know why Kigumo constituency had a giant excellence leap in not only education but also social amenities and infrastructural development in just the ten years as the MP Kigumo (2007-2017).

"That was possible due to my very close personal relationship between me and Wanjikú."

 That indeed is the blueprint for his landmark improvement in Kigumo constituency in all government projects and development incentives.

"What advice would you give our youths?" The host asked. 

"First, youths have been misused by politicians during elections. Politicians are oftenly friends while their supporters are bitter enemies. Youths must stop fighting and insulting others for politicians!" He advised.

"Politicians dine together and break each other's ribs with laughter. Elsewhere, youths they don't even know are breaking each others ribs with clubs and hearts with insults. Youths must not continue being idle to fight, insult for their idol! 

Mr. Kamau advised that youths should make empowerment youth groups to make savings accounts in SACCOs and liaise with the government offices to be accredited with Youth Fund and Uwezo Fund to boost their business ideas and economical projects. 

He discouraged the knack for petty money handed out by bad politicians to play goons and insult others in social media. 

Mr. Kamau also insisted that his now county 021 household phrase, "one month notice" was to prepare the anxiously society pressing, even demanding his official declaration to vie for Mûrang'a governor for an anticipated ultimatum. 

It was not to warn or threaten any other individual or parties with similar aspirations.

 I quote, "gûtire ngware hûthû mahurianî" Meaning (he could not just give any stern warning to presupposed competitors because he doesn't have the authority and would even not be wise to underate the former).

 "Those spreading unwarranted rumours based on misunderstanding should embark on something different. Hon Kamau insisted.

"What will you do if elected Mûrang'a governor?" The host asked.


"God willing if I'm elected the next Mûrang'a governor, I will amongst other things: protect public funds from corruption, mismanagement and embezzlement," Hon Kamau said.

"I will ensure all pending county government projects are completed and working to improve my people," he resonated.

"I have new amazing projects and development incentives I will kick off and complete before I leave office. I will fulfill my manifesto." Hon Kamau promised.

Hon. Jamleck Kamau(Kabisa Kabisa) is indeed a credible and visionary leader. Could he be the next Mûrang'a County governor?

Written by ~Gîtaû wa Kûngû~ .


By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u ✒️
Atheism is the absence of belief in a particular deity, pantheon, or religious doctrine. Subscribers of atheism are called atheists. Theism is opposite of atheism or rather, theism is the belief in existence of at least one God or deity.
Now, Seth MAHIGA, former secretary of Atheists in Kenya society has converted to Christianity as of 30th May 2021. He's the newest Christian convert to Christianity from Atheism. He has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour, Hallelujah!
So when did atheism start? The actual term atheism emerged first in the 16th century. This was just before "the age of enlightenment" as depicted in the Wikipedia. There was widespread "free-thought, skeptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion, application of the term (atheism) narrowed in scope. As different scholars explored the religion belief system, doubts and questions about existence of God or deities emerged. However, it was not until the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment that the first individuals to identify themselves using the word atheist emerged.
You must be wondering why Atheists came to lose faith in the existence of God or deities? What inspired this altogether new, different worldview on faith? Some questions have been asked like: "if God exists and he is loving, caring God, why does he allow suffering on his creation?; If God exists and nobody has ever seen him, why believe in someone you cannot see, how can you practically prove his existence"
 Wikipedia says, "arguments for atheism range from philosophical to social and historical approaches. These include that there is a lack of empirical evidence, the problem of evil, the argument from inconsistent revelations, the rejection of concepts that cannot be falsified, and the argument from non belief. Nonbelievers contend that atheism is a more parsimonious position than theism and that everyone is born without beliefs in deities; therefore, they argue that the burden of proof lies not on the atheist to disprove the existence of gods but on the theist to provide a rationale for theism."

Now, some famous atheists have retracted and left the belief in no existence of God or deities and thence converted to Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism among other religions. What inspired their conversion from Atheism to theism? Let's explore this question by looking at some various famous atheists converted theists.
In the 1990s, One of the most respected geneticist scientists in the field of genetic research,  Francis S Collins, the head of the Human Genome Project and one of the most respected generic scientists renounced atheism. His conversion, as he testifies, was brought upon by the confession of a religious woman whom she was treating who confessed to him that whenever suffering and pain overcame her, she prayed to God and he relieved her. 
Christian Radio blogs that his challenged his belief. Forced to examine the evidence concerning the truth or falsity of religion, Collins was eventually led to read C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, where, he says, '...within the first three pages, I realised that my arguments against faith were those of a schoolboy.' He realised that no law of science could adequately explain the existence of morality
When Collins read Lewis’ critique of moral law, he realised that no law of science could adequately explain the existence of morality, but a Creator God fit the explanation perfectly. Later on, Professor Collins fell sick, and he remembered those words. He prayed!!! 

Author Karen Edmisten admits on her blog:“I once thought I’d be a lifelong atheist. Then I became desperately unhappy, read up on philosophy and various religions (while assiduously avoiding Christianity), and waited for something to make sense. I was initially  appalled when Christianity began to look  like the sensible thing, surprised when I wanted to be baptized, and stunned that I ended up a Catholic.”

So what compels most atheists conversion to religious belief? Let's look at 5 points:
1. The power in the, "believing for the benefit of doubt." It's better to believe that God exists than not. What if you die and actually get that God exists and you are kneeling before him waiting like a sheep for his judgement? 
2. Lack of valid scientific research answers and theories related to origin of life or the universe. For example, failure of big bang, passing cloud, nebula cloud and molecular theories of origin of matter. Never has anything worldly birthed itself. Nothing came into existence on its own out of nothing. That makes the belief in a creator, God stronger than any other logical reasoning. So do most atheists decide to believe in God or a deity.
3. St. Thomas Aquinas 7 proves that God exists. Like, a body stays in the same position of rest unless acted upon by an external force: the law of motion. So who started the first motion if not God or a deity? The universe is vast and amazingly orderly, an incomprehensible designer God must have designed and created it in a way we human can only marvel upon each discovery of how we know we really have not "invented" anything but just discovered another mystery of creation. Can something so orderly, supernatural and marvelous have come by accident? Atheists are caught by this question by the heart, and so they believe indeed, God or a deity exists!
4. Why are different kinds of families who reproduce offspring that takes after them yet there are many kinds of families? Like animals, plants, microscopic living organisms like viruses and celestial beings (stars, moons, planets, comets, meteors etc?) If you argue the DNA instructs gene reproduction in plants and animals, what about celestial bodies, do they have genes too?
5. Who created those genes first because they didn't come by accident and instructed them to produce the amazing beautiful creation we see by our naked eyes or the microscope? Even a computer doesn't undertake instructions without being instructed first. Could we be talking of giving commands to computers without first making them? Where did the idea just like every other greatest artistic, scientific or technological idea come from in the first place? From out of the blues? No, nothing great comes out of the blues. Alpha and Omega inspired that greatest idea you know, he is the origin of every amazing idea ever, including creation and sustainability of the creation! Atheists have been questioned this funny question: is it the hen that came out of an egg or is it the egg that hatched into a chick that became a hen? Funny and tricky quiz, don't you agree? So, atheists find themselves in abyss of incomprehension, and thus the atheist believes in God!

All in all, welcome to the theistic life Seth Mahiga, the newest Christian convert from atheism in town! You made a wise decision. Journey well with the believers with Christ Jesus on the right hand of God on his everlasting throne.

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u ✒️.


✒️By the pen of Prof Gîtaû wa Kûngû
It is not by human power but by the grace of Almighty God that Hon Jamleck Kamau (kabisa kabisa), has become a puzzle that power brokers in the nation’s political firmament have found a hard row to hoe. Hon Jamleck remains an enigma that keeps waxing stronger and escaping, in the process, the unceasing traps of his ever mounting socio-political traducers. This unfaltering torchbearer of philanthropic, humble, respectful, credible and unmatched leadership, looks set, to remain for a long time to come, a mystery that fake friends masquerading as his genuine allies, and confessed foes alike will try, albeit unsuccessfully, to unravel in not only Mûrang'a County politics but also in the national political arena.
Hon Jamleck is a respected leader. Despite his unrivaled contemporary vilification by envious political gladiators and parasites, the political general remains the most-sought-after politician and perhaps, one of the few most significant of the progressive hue in not only Mûrang'a and Mt. Kenya region but also nationally. It is not to be forgotten that he was an integral team member in the making and growing of The National Alliance (TNA) party that saw President Uhuru Kenyatta become the fourth president in the Jubilee coalition government in 2013!
The reality, even amongst those whose bile levels of baseless, grudgingly self destructive hatred are naturally high can't help but helplessly find themselves loving Hon Jamleck Kamau. Why? Because he has become a veritable political brand that can be ignored only at the peril of any noteworthy politician in the region including president Uhuru Kenyatta and his government, the incumbent county 021 governor Mwangi Wa Iria, his PA. and 2022 Kigumo constituency aspirant Mr. Muturi Karanja among other notable leaders. It is his credibility and revolutionary leadership style that made former president H.E. Emilio Mwai Kibaki government make him Minister for Nairobi Metropolitan when he was the best MP Kigumo constituency has ever had. He's the man who brought modern traffic lights and street CCTV system in now Nairobi county. 
History verifies that when Jubilee government sought for the Kenyan to lead the Tana River Development Authority (TARDA), Hon Jamleck was the fittest Kenyan for the roles and responsibilities of the top office running TARDA. That shows how purposefully powerful has, so far, been to our national and community polity. The indisputable political general and humble philanthropist has faced fears, betrayal and treachery but at the end of it all remain undaunted. 

This can be verified beyond considerable doubt in reference to his official public declaration for being in the race to become the next governor of Mûrang'a County after being constantly pressed by Mûrang'a County citizens of all walks on Saturday, 22nd May. This was during the opening/dedication ceremony of Mama Blessings new house he volunteered to put up after a fire accident that torched her former house, razed, burnt her youngest daughter Mwikali (RIP) to death and burnt her firstborn child, Blessing, just less than two weeks prior. The family now has a roof over their heads.
 His close friends who had accompanied him promised to take charge of Baby Blessings education too in respect to Hon Jamu's love to  enlighten and support the lowly in the society. It was his 31st house to put up for the economically downtrodden and victims of natural calamities like landslides and fire accidents across Mûrang'a County. Glory be to God! May Almighty never cease replenishing Hon Jamleck each day. Blessings to him!

Now,  today, in our political firmament, Hon Jamleck has become a political brand whose name, most politicians will deploy to win support at national and county levels during the next general elections (2022) electioneering periods. Previously, Hon Jamleck had not officially declared his 2022 ambition; it was widely insinuated he might choose to vie for the Kigumo MP or Mûrang'a County governor until n the aforementioned event, the PA to the incumbent but outgoing governor Wa Iria; Mr. Muturi Karanja, who was in attendance, was unanimously challenged by the public to officially declare his Kigumo MP 2022 aspiration. But he withheld. I quote in translation,; Mr. Karanja: "I shall not declare my aspiration until Hon Jamleck first officially declares. If he declares to run for governor, who am I to block? Still if he announces to vie for Kigumo MP, I will respectfully support him! His word will be final and I will support it!"

 Now, the question to ask any aspiring politician seeking public office in Mûrang'a County to determine his prospects or seriousness is: Have you been endorsed by Hon Jamleck or not? That is how politically turbulent the Kabisa Kabisa phenomenon is in the region and probably beyond.

I have keenly observed how despicable political ignoramuses deride him; the grovelers of centrist conservative elements impugn his character, but that is Hon Jamleck Kamau, the political colossus still standing like Mt Kenya. No doubt, Hon Jamleck has the much needed leadership skills including skills of political liberation and he’s equally imbued with the power of intuition which makes him tower above most adversaries. This man of unquantifiable knack for philanthropy has this uncanny nerve for discovering and mentoring not only leadership but also myriad talents one of which is the incumbent Mûrang'a governor himself HE Mwangi Wa Iria. 

The difference between Hon Jamleck and the rest in the political arena is that he sees possibility where others predict doom. His often-talked-about political superiority complex does not mean haughtiness; although it might appear to be so in the eyes of the mischievous among politicians who want to see it so. Hon Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) feels and commands a higher esteem over the obstacles he desires to surmount and he is blessed with the rare courage of overcoming them, with enough energy reserved for any eventuality.

Hon Jamleck however, must realize that this is not the time to rest on his oars. Things are really tough in Mûrang'a County and like the political magician that we know him to be, he must, once again, step forward and steer this county towards the haven of economic, social and political excellence the people desire to enjoy. Mûrang'a County citizens wholeheartedly wish Hon Jamleck Kamau to advance his "maendeleo kabisa kabisa" proven realistic philosophy and leadership style to progress a sound development of Mûrang'a County into the visionary most developed county in Kenya from, God willing, 2022-2032.

Written by of Gîtaû wa Kûngû.



By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

Yesterday on Wednesday, 21st April, ODM leader Raila Odinga and his wife Ida Odinga hosted a delegation of Luhya "council of elders" led by former ambassador Burudi Nabwere. The old men supposedly poured lot's of well wishes to him. Meanwhile, Hon Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, 2022 presidential aspirant with One Kenya Alliance and a Luhya was busy enjoying tea with his coalition's co-principal Gideon Moi, Moses `Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka. 
It's good to note that Hon Musalia Mudavadi has been getting the Luhya council of elders endorsements as the Mulembe nation king almost every year. He has been getting blessings to represent the Luhya community and probably become the first Luhya to become president of Kenya though he has always not succeeded yet.
Now, who were in the Luhya council of elders delegation to Raila's home while their Mulembe son was probably scheming the future of his political career and planning for next year presidential election? Are they the same old men who have been repeatedly endorsing him as their king? 
Today's Taifa Leo newspaper reports in the front page what could make you detest the all knowing grey haired mirrors of today's young people. Migori governor Obado is reportedly causing breakage of the Luo council of elders. He's adamant that the murder charges against him for getting involved in the murder of Sharon and her unborn baby two years ago and the unsuccessful impeachment he faced last year are schemes by ODM leader Raila Odinga to finish him off politically. A faction of the Luo council of elders probably believes that a leader must cause suffering and mourning to rule outstandingly, even if it means causing  death to a pregnant woman though he remains innocent man until proven guilty. The rest believe if Raila gives an unpleasant respiratory release of abdominal gases, their noses ought to be whipped for confusing it with a rose scent. Which faction is true between them, the one supporting Okoth Obado or the one supporting Amolo Odinga?
Sometimes back, some infamous faction of Kikuyu Council of Elders (Kiama Kiama) from Central Kenya visited Hon Odinga at his Bondo home where they supposedly endorsed Amolo. When the news spread, another faction of Kiama Kiama who called themselves the true Kiama Kiama aggressively distanced the reputable council's name from the "fake" and greedy Bondo endorsement. The attacked endorsing delegation whose: backs had straightened; who were now  bouncing in youthful pace as they listened to the Rhumba song  lyrics, "pesa ni sabuni ya rohoo..." denied the other "bitter old men" and insisted that they are the true Kiama Kiama. So, who are the true Kiama Kiama? In fact, there are very wise old men in most villages who are not part of the council of elders because they don't have estates, big businesses, big bellies and don't clad sharp, tailored suits. Where is the dignity of the respected traditional council of elders who could not be insensitive to their harmonious integrity in the community?  

When Raila Odinga and Ruto's political relationship was on its honeymoon, a faction of Luo elders recognised William Ruto as a Luo elder. That was in 2005 when ODM was was teething. The controversial old men of the land of the legendary elephant of wisdom and epic Gor Mahia decided a man from the region of the legendary Koitalel Arap Samoei could as well find place in the sitting of kong'o drinking, pocket sated, overjoyed,  wisdom exuding Luo elders. Well, not that I have a problem with a Kalenjin sitting in the Luo council of elders. Both tribes are Kalenjin, they can do what they want. 
Now, are these the elders our young people look up to? Elders who are greedy of money, who fight to be photographed with the political heavyweights in a similar way to their granddaughters and even great granddaughters now regarding themselves slayqueens? 
It's so sad. So very sad that some of the drivers of our communities are just as drunk, greedy, corrupt, careless, impatient and lack insight as their grandchildren drivers in the  matatu industry who oftenly cause dangerous killer accidents along Kenyan roads. 
May the little cocoons of corrupted elders fail in their selfish endeavours. May the wisdom of the true and credible elders prevail over the former's foolishness and corruption.

✒️Gitau Wa Kung'u.


Why did BBI pass? A friend of mine Cheraisi Sam associates that to The Pork Barrel Politics. What’s Pork Barrel Politics?
Pork-barrel politics is the legislative practice of slipping funding for politicians pet issues into a Bill in order to secure support. The project may have nothing to do with the bill and may benefit only the legislator's home district or legislators himself. Before a bill gets to a vote, pork-barreling often inflates its costs of the bill through the addition of unrelated pet projects and exaggerates its worth . The pork barrel is always the bait to entice legislators. It’s always a difficult choice to reject a pork barrel filled legislation by those legislators who benefit from it. They will face a tough time explaining to their people why they rejected the money.
BBI passed the county assemblies and now the National Assembly because of the pork barrel. County assemblies were given incentives of free car grant and promised ward funds. Most populous counties were given a promise of additional constituencies which translates to additional CDF funds in future. BBI wasn’t actually about additional constituencies or ward fund. Those are not constitutional issues. It was about expanding the executive.
Assuming BBI goes through in the referendum, the following will be the distribution of the constituencies by Region:
1. Mt. Kenya (10 counties)- 81 (up from 64)
2. Pastrolist Counties (10 counties) - 57 (up from 48)
3. Kalenjin Rift Valley (7 counties) - 47 (up from 38)
4. Western (4 counties) - 38 (up from 33)
5. Coast (6 counties) - 36 (up from 26)
6. Luo Nyanza (4 counties) - 32 (up from 29)
7. Nairobi (1 county) - 29 (up from 17)
8. Kambaland (3 counties) - 26 (up from 22)
9. Kisii (2 counties) - 14 (up from 13)

The problem with a pork barrel filled legislation like this is that it fails to  consider economic realities before promising pork to everyone. It promises 35 percent allocation for counties while the current government is struggling to disburse even 10 percent now. That said, it will be almost impossible to expect people in Cebtral or those many other regions who will be benefiting from additional constituencies to reject BBI during referendum. We’re safe to say, the bait has been swallowed hook line and sinker. My only advice to wananchi is that, as you swallow the bait please don’t let it choke you.

Gitau wa Kung'u.


#Reminiscing_The_Glorious_Games_Of_Utotoism 🤩😂

By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u 🖋️

If you know this Kikuyu children's song sing it. It was sung by children as they played. Just imagine it's playing softly in the background. Now, relax and get entertained generously!

"Kanyoni ka nja, chwicwhi! ×2 (The weaver bird that perches on the stoop, chwi! Chwi!×2
Kanyoni ka nja, Oh little weaver bird,
Kagûire nja na mîtheko! Perched on the stoop with laughter!)
,... ... ....

Ages ago, before little and big boys stopped sliding their hardened black buttocks downhill on rainy days doing "nderethi," I existed. I recall every fun time with computer precision. Now, being the only "kîhîî" (big boy) whose first teeth had been plucked with "furaithi"(pliers) without screaming the whole village to know Gitau was being initiated into "Kîhîî" from "kahîî(small boy) gained me admiration and indisputable respect among all the village girls in my age set.

Many fun games and sports were played I tell you! We played "hunia," "mûthaitî,""nderethi," "tiri" racing, "birikicho," "mbiira, "bano," tree climbing, "kûrugania," the sweetest of all game; "cha baba na cha Mami" and so many other games. You really want to know what were these games and how they were played, don't you? Now request for a full bucket of popcorns or njugu and afya juice 'coz I Gitau wa Kung'u, am about to make your ribs crack and your lungs out of breath. If are not careful, let me warn you in advance that you can "thuria"(fart). So relax and enjoy the story.

There was "hunia" game where we chased one another. If even one string of your clothes was touched by the person chasing everyone that meant you had lost. Then you were laughed at and be mocked as the slowest snail in the village and thereafter take the position of the chasers in the next game, "mûthaitî). Now would you want to be the chased or the chaser?

Those who were "touched" in hunia would be the chasers in the next funnier game, "mûthaitî." Here, about one meter diameter circle was drawn on the ground. It was like "hunia" only that if you managed to get in the center of the circle before someone touched you, you had won and would not be in the group of chasers in the next round of the game after the last person was either touched or reached the centre of the circle untouched. For fairness, none of the chasers were allowed to stay anywhere too close to the circle. If anybody did that, they were disqualified from the game and suspended from any other game for the whole week. Would you want to miss a whole week's fun? Chew another "njugu" now! It's getting crazier!

The next funnier and more lovely game was "nderethi." This game involved barefootedly sliding on wet ground when it was rainy season. When we missed it during sunny seasons, we would call for the great grandmother of all meetings and her offsprings. Each person would carry two 5 litre jerricans then we would run to the river for the fuel of the lively "nderethi" game. Then the whole area was swept furiously or every visible stick, mabati or stone thrown far from the site. Thereafter, we would slide on our bare feet or buttocks. God forbid if you happened to slide where any piece of broken glass, mabati, sharp stone or rock was covered in the ground! Karigi had once gotten his foot cut by a sharp stone. The one who would slide the farthest distance on a gently flat ground or down a hill without falling for most times was crowned the hero and joined the league of heroes. If you lost balance and fell, woe unto you! For the loudest soprano laughters and mocking song "Kîhîî kîhîu mûtwe!" (The big boy with burnt out brains) followed you home. You would get your Mother breathing fire and sweating concentrated hydrochloric acid as her hand held a big "nyasoya" stick to whack you ruthlessly for escaping your duties and household chores. Happy are those ",ihîî" who became members of the adored, feared and respected league of heroes. They were called "Champions!"

Champions enjoyed highly respected positions among us and enjoyed many rights and privileges. For example, they were "husbands" of the most beautiful girls in the village. They were the indisputable "dads" in the sweetest and most cherished game; cha baba na cha mami! They were every girls wish for future father of their children. Due to their actions of courage and conquest, they were definitely the guys who girls chose to enjoy the feeling of drinking from the sweetest well of pleasure; breaking their virginity. Which girl wants her cherry popped by a useless failure and coward? Now sip! Sip some afya it's getting sweeter, isn't it?

"Tiri" riding game was the other liveliest sport! I was the Karega village celebrated manufacturer of the best "tiri." "Tiri" was a wooden "vehicle" which was triangular in shape like a "tuk tuk" or wheelbarrow and had three little wheels. Two strong logs were joined together at the point where the first wheel was fixed then they were shaped like an isosceles triangle and 3 or 4 pieces of strong wood hammered to connect the two logs together and make the "seats" of the tiri. The wheels were made from circular pieces of a big log of "mûhûtî" tree and a hole burrowed "gûthegethwo" in its center where a strong circular stick would pass through for the wheels to roll. Liquid cow dung "gîcoro" was poured between the center of the burrowed wheel as lubricant. Those days grease was hard to know what it was leave alone to find! The "gîcoro" lubricated "mîhûtî" wheels would embarrass today's greased "bodaboda" wheels on free gear down a hill!
It started at the top of Ha Matîîe hill and the tiri would roll fast down the hill to "Gathima ka WaJulia" on the force of gravity. Girls would line up along the hill on both sides to cheer for the "Ihîî" (big boys) as we our tiris competed racing down the hill. As the tradition was, the owner of the fastest, strongest, masterly built that reached the bottom of the hill first was heavily rewarded! He would be the "dad" in the "cha baba na cha Mami" (mum and dad role in the family act scene game) and therefore boyfriend of the most beautiful girl in the village! My tiri was the fastest and I won every day. So you can imagine how proudly I enjoyed the rights and privileges of the "Champions!" Haha! I had secretly fixed metallic parts with ball rollings that is found at the center of bicycle/bodaboda/car wheels at the center of my "mîhûtî" wheels and so they rolled downhill at supersonic speed with just a lubrication of just a little "gîcoro." Two sticks were fixed at the back would be pulled upward so that one end scratched the ground to brake the tiri as you held to pull the other end upwards.
Woe unto those whose "tiri" broke down in the middle of the race! Woe unto those whose "tiri" lost control! Verily verily I say unto you, so unlucky were their front teeth, legs and arms; for theirs was not only being laughed at by the girls or meeting nuclear bombs of mothers waiting for them to go home crying and burst on them with "nyasoya" but also unbearable pain, joint dislocation, lost and broken teeth, swollen and bleeding bodies.
Now, you really want to know how the other games like "birikicho," "mbiira, "bano," tree climbing, "kûrugania," the sweetest of all game; "cha baba na cha Mami" went, don't you?
So let's have a date! God willing let's continue on that next Thursday, next tbt, same time, same place, sweeter entertainment! Shalom!
Written by Gitau wa Kung'u!


By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u
"I think therefore I am!" So said the 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes.
Now, brilliant counsel Otiende Omollo was ruthlessly kicked out of JLAC by ODM just because he bravely spoke his mind alongside senior counsel James Orengo on the need to revise the BBI bill implementation. 

It has not been debacled in our memories that Mr. Malala was stripped of his parliament deputy minority leader position on similar manner by ODM on allegations of supporting Matungu's ANC candidate in the Matungu byelection.

 Kenyans still remember how Counsel Irungu Kang'ata was vociferously ejected from the Senate Chief whip position. His crime was writing an honest letter to the President and the leader of Jubilee Party expressing his insights on why Mt. Kenya region does not support BBI as solidly as "The Handshake" partners believed. 

The betrayal of outspoken lawyer Miguna Miguna after he swore Hon. Raila in the infamous mock swearing in of Raila as the people's president in early 2018 shall never be forgotten. Dr. Miguna was deported while Raila Odinga danced his way to state house for "The Handshake" with president Uhuru Kenyatta whom Raila made his followers believe he stole his win in 2017 August elections! Poor Miguna Miguna!
Who knows if James Orengo will be kicked out too? Now, all of these truthful and wise leaders were unjustly treated just because they have courageously stood their ground and spoken out their true feelings and thoughts about the now controversial BBI issue. They have been punished for being right and honest! How ironical!

Hon. Raila Odinga, the leader of ODM, has been the political colossus and undisputed "king" of the Lake Victoria region (Nyanza) after the demise of his father veteran independence fighter and once vice president, Hon Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in 20th January 1994 to this day. The former prime minister in the controversial coalition (nusu-mkate) government first vied for presidency presidency in 1997 and emerged third after incumbent president Moi and Mwai Kibaki. He supported Mwai Kibaki in 2002. He has unsuccessfully vied for presidency in 2007, 2013 and 2017 and still replenishes his presidential ambition ahead of 2022 general elections.
For more than twenty years no other politician from Nyanza has conquered his ceremonial "Luo kingship" position. They call him "Agwambo," the mysterious one. So many brilliant and heavily pregnant political futures have been suppressed for all these years and failed to mature just because "Agwambo" is the indisputable lord of the lake region. 
Dazzling leaders like Prof. Anyang Nyong'o, Senior counsel James Orengo, Sospeter Ojamoong', Robert Alai, embittered deportee lawyer Miguna Miguna among others have always vehemently supported, protected and even sacrificed humongous resources, time, ideas and even their own lives for Hon Raila to achieve his yet unsuccessful presidential dream for all those years.

 Now, Otiende Omollo is another brilliant man who boldly expressed his thoughts and dared to challenge the enigmatic "Agwambo" and his repeatedly backfiring tactics, strategies, ideologies cooking his presidential aspirations. 

The other intimate partner in the political bedroom of "The Handshake," Jubilee party is almost ramshackle since the handshake that disenfranchise the deputy president Dr. Ruto from the president, Embittered Jubilee party members  then started to coacervate around Dr. Ruto. The faction endeared to Ruto was labelled as the "Tanga Tanga" group after their many travels in the company of Dr. Ruto across the country in his popularization campaign of his "Hustler nation." 

Tanga Tanga most vocal members like Aden Duale was stripped of his leader of majority position in national assembly, impeachment of Kiambu and Nairobi counties governors Waititu and Sonko, firing of CS Mwangi Kiunjuri and removal of many others from parliamentary committees and government positions on allegations of corruption or integrity issues. They were immediately replaced by those who were siding with the handshake patrons.
Now, refusal of blindly following every word and decision of heavyweight political leaders like Hon Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta without thinking and speaking out thoughts boldly seems to be gaining momentum. Nothing lasts forever. This spells a very phenomenal stage in the evolution of Kenyan political landscape. 

Unless the top political party leaders resolve to listen to divergent views of their junior members, step aside voluntarily, nurture, mentor and pass the baton of leadership to young people, they will surely fail, lose power and influence and so will their parties. Like the sages say, a house divided against itself cannot stand.

The young people have evolved from being blind followers, sycophantic and puppeteers to their political idols. Indeed, change is inevitable!

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u.


By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

 Curiosity about human nature has always befuddled the greatest and smallest human minds since ages unknown. Humanity has found itself under myriad different leadership, leadership styles and governments. Different styles of governance include aristocratic, anarchistic, democratic, theocratic, authoritarian, oligarchic, totalitarian, socialist, communist and military dictatorial governments.

1. Aristocratic governments:
 Here, leadership is chosen from best education giants, people with outstanding family lineage or career succes stories (the aristocrats). Here, the aristocratic family is noble, wealthy and is believed to have the leadership blood running in their veins. Thus, the nobles rule the rest of their community whose members have a lower socioeconomic class. Aristocratic governments have been both good and bad, peaceful and chaotic, strong and weak with respect to the person who is the leader. Aristocratic governments are very related to monarchical governments. Among most notable aristocratic governments are the Great Britain, Russia, Germany and ancient Palestinian kingdoms, Israel included. 

2. Anarchistic governments:
 They are characteristic of chaos and disorder caused by lawlessness due to lack of formal leadership and ruler. They are usually results of civil wars, ethnic clashes and coups. Anarchistic governments however have a short lifespan and they can be closely related with military dictatorial leadership as anarchist military or rebel leaders take over power and have to be crudely tough on the people to instill fear and thus gain support. Anarchistic governments have been there in Spain, South Africa, Germany, Mexico, Ukraine, Sri Lanka among others.

3. Monarchical governments:
These are governments ruled by one leader (king, queen or emperor/emperor). Leadership is hereditary in a family alongside birth order in a family tree of a conqueror ancestor. Monarchical like aristocratic governments had to inculcate more devolved sharing of power due to pressure by modern government forms like democracy. This tact was insightful in that mornachs retained their power and influence and prevented any chance of anarchy to dethrone them. For instance, Queen Elizabeth is the monarchical Queen of great Britain who controls the government through the help of a democratically elected prime minister and his cabinet. 

4. Oligarchical governments:
Leadership is under stewardship of few aristocrats and nobles who in this essence are called oligarchs. Oligarchs are oftenly members of a wealthy, prosperous families, more powerful race or members of nobility. However, they are different from both aristocratic and monarchical governments in that it the ruling class are cohorts of military leaders or warlords who lead rebel groups who do not respect democracy or consider rights of the lower social and economic class. Therefore, oligarchic governments can be said to be totalitarian because oligarchs have excessive power and authority over their subjects.  Like anarchist governments, they don't rule for long before the people rebel. Apartheid regime of South Africa where the minority whites ruled over majority blacks with a hand of iron until the international community forced the oligarchic British colonial  government to release South Africa's first president Nelson Mandela and grant the nation independence in 1994.

5. Theocratic governments:
They are rule by God or a religious group. Practically, God barely shows up physically to lead government, thus, a high priest, prophet or chief religious leader of the dominant religion is taken as the personal representative of God who can mediate between the people and God. Therefore, his/her word is taken as authority from God. Religious doctrines and laws are respected as the legal basis of passing judgement and directing leadership as well as other social ethics. The Bible says that God used judges like Joshua son of Nun, Gideon, Samson and many others after Moses died in the wilderness in the revolutionary journey from enslavement by Egypt to the promised land Canaan. Until the people asked the last judge, Samwel to appoint for them a physical king, Israel was a theocracy. Vatican City can also be said to be theocratic because the Pope, head of Christian Roman Catholic Church is the president. Iran is the best example of a modern theocratic state too. The supreme leader of "Shiite" religious leaders has power above the elected president and the Shariah Muslim laws are regarded equally to the constitution of a democratic country. 

6. Colonial governments.
Leadership and authority is held and commanded by a certain immigrant group who migrate to foreign lands, conquer the natives and rule over them. Colonialists plausibly do not lose ties and active connection to their homeland and there hides the power of their minority rule over the majority rule. They usually exploit the natives and their native natural resources. Colonial governments usually teach the indigenous inhabitants their language, legal codes, their education, ethics and religion to suppress chances of rebellion and anarchy that would be the end of their power, influence and leadership. European superpower nations are good examples of colonial governments especially since the scramble and partition of Africa in the young 20th century. Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Italy were the colonial masters of their African colonies for almost three quarter of 20th century.

7. Communist governments.
These are governments that subscribe to the Marxist philosophy of German philosopher Karl Marx. Communist governments are governed by a single party Here, there is no social class, resources and property are owned communally. Therefore, every citizen is expected to work for the wider good to benefit himself and everybody else. The Soviet Union communist one party regime combited the Marxist and Vladimir Lenin philosophy (Marxist Leninism). Modern communist governments include China, Vietnam and Cuba.

8. Socialist governments.
These subscribe to the socialism philosophy that is substantially embedded in Communism. They are a centralised government which manages the communally owned goods, services and resources and the means of production too. Here, citizens are expected to work similarly to the communist way. They work and benefit according to their ability  and respective needs. Free education, free healthcare and free government services are enjoyed by all citizens. Socialist governments include Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

It is worth noting that:
1. Modern Monarchical and aristocratic governments can be said to be partly authoritarian with respect to freedom igiven to their subjects unlike in anarchist or oligarchic governments where the subjects are denied rights and/or oppressed. 
2. Monarchical and aristocratic governments have expanded their influence and power through conquest of foreign lands and established their colonial governments to manage their respective colonies.

Researched and collected by Gitau Wa Kung'u.


By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u

H.E. Mwangi Wa Iria will cease to be Murang'a governor, God willing next year when his second and last constitutional term of gubernatorial servitude will end. Despite the usual imperfections, tugs and discontentments here and there, the people of Murang'a have more to credit and appreciate his "no wira tu" household and workplace philosophical mantra than to infantile tantrums of dissatisfaction. May his 2022 presidential aspirations work out gracefully for him. 
Now, quality leadership is all the society desires for like a Murang'a bouncing Friesian calf thirsts for the nutritious milk from its mother's udder. Now that the cow is to be left in the care of another person, what does it take, what will it take for the person to ensure the cow remains healthy and thus the calf growing into a healthy heifer? Here, let's explore what it must demand for county 021 to enjoy better quality and credible leadership! Fundamentally, what will it take to be the next Murang'a county governor?
First and foremost, the people of Murang'a want a revolutionary leader who will better the best of H.E. Wa Iria's revolutionary leadership. Noticeably, world's civilization most powerful economic and social revolutions like the ancient Agrarian agricultural revolution in Egypt, The American revolution which was spearheaded by Presidents George Washington, John Adam,Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin. The Industrial revolution in Europe were driven and orchestrated by great revolutionary leaders. Outstanding revolutionary leadership was and is integral stewards the society towards gargantuan heights in development and civilization. That is one of the greatest tests for the 2022 gubernatorial aspirants.
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. It was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and USA from about 1760-1840. It included advancement from manpower labour to use of machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, the invention of steam engine, the development of machine tools and also introduction of mechanized factory and industrial system. The Industrial Revolution accelerated unprecedented rate of population and economical growth. The period commenced and flourished under the stewardship of brilliant intellectual and revolutionary leaders that paved the way for the superpower economies their countries are today.
Now, reverse revolution in civilisation, science and technology catalysed by corrupt, selfish, dictatorial and ignominious leadership orchestrated by most third world leadership has been the core of crumbling economy, low GDP, low standards of living, low life expectancy rate and huge unaccounted for depts. The people have awoken up and the near future might see a ruthless change in style of choice of leadership from handouts dissemination to credible leadership track parameters. Now, back to Murang'a county. 
 Though most of the aspirants are yet to make formal personal declarations on whether to race for the governor, most county 021 have been pressing one Hon. Jamleck Kamau to declare his gubernatorial aspirations. Hon. Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) is attributed to stewarding famously humble but revolutionary leadership in different legislative and administrative capacities in and outside the government as Kigumo MP, Nairobi Metropolitan Minister, Chairperson of different parliamentary committees and now chairperson of Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA). 
The people of Murang'a are right! In the stewardship of Hon. Jamleck Kamau, Kigumo constituency rose to become the education giant constituency in the then larger Murang'a district. Many new schools were constructed among them Kigumo Girls High School. Every secondary and college/university student who applied for NG-CDF bursaries was awarded. No bright needy student discontinued their education for lack of school fees. Some of them are advocates of High Court of Kenya, doctors, teachers, engineers, leaders, successful farmers, jua Cali artisans, mechanics, masons, carpenters etc. Polytechnics recorded highest number of admissions after he vociferously renovated and reformed them. Infact, the graduate of University of Nairobi set the pace in education in Kigumo not to be broken.  
Still, many feeder and tarmacked roads were opened, renovated and improved to super standard conditions like the Kaharati-Kangari road. The people have no trouble taking their farm produce to markets or coffee factories and tea collection centers and tea factories like Ikumbi tea factory. Transit was no longer anguish to travellers in Kigumo constituency.
Kigumo Level 4 hospital is where it is today due to the stewardship of the enigmatic, revolutionary leader Hon Jamleck. He developed it from a dispensary. Other health centers like Muthithi Dispensary and Kamung'ang'a Dispensary which also has a mortuary have a generous touch of this revolutionary heart and hands.
Hon Jamleck Kamau is causing stomach upsets and sleepless nights to his presupposed competitors who have little to associate for development in the county and in the nation. They can't be blamed! They are wishing they could have a stoic leadership track and experience as the man causing them nightmarish days and nights. Unfortunately, wishes are not horses.
Charisma, credibility, honesty, aggressiveness revolutionary leadership and the grace of God saw his appointment as the minister for Nairobi Metropolitan (2012) in the Mwai Kibaki government, his stewardship improved Nairobi city where most modern roads were built, CCTV cameras connected, environmentally clean, safe and conducive standards realised, industries opened, businesses expanded and also the connection of Murang'a county to Nairobi city became more profound. 
The positively aggressive revolutionary has entrenched his name and humble personality not only in the sands of time but also in the hearts of many across Murang'a county and beyond. Succinctly, Hon Jamleck Kamau has been a generous leader who has never left the people in their times of joy and times of atrocities. For instance, he has been involved in harambees to raise funds to cater for large hospital bills, church development, school fees and even construction of new modern houses for extremely poor families and families affected by landslides when excessive downpours wreak havoc in the county. The people of Kigumo, Maragwa, Kiharu and Kandara are witness.
Hon Jamleck Kamau's leadership is like Mt. Kenya and the unmistakable beautiful snow on its peak. He causes perceptible tics and jitters to anybody who is eyeing for the gubernatorial seat because none of them is close to him in terms of leadership experience and integrity. 
The people of Murang'a are wise citizens who need Hon. Jamleck Kamau to progress the county to great economic and political revolution. They are really anticipating for his official declaration and stewardship as the second county 021 governor by the grace of God. 

Written by Gitau Wa Kung'u.

Kigumo Basket Weavers to get International Market for their Basketry Products

By Gĩtaũ wa Kũng'ũ (profgitauwakungu@gmail.com). Yesterday was a great day for Murang'a Basket Weavers and the Kenyan fa...