By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u

H.E. Mwangi Wa Iria will cease to be Murang'a governor, God willing next year when his second and last constitutional term of gubernatorial servitude will end. Despite the usual imperfections, tugs and discontentments here and there, the people of Murang'a have more to credit and appreciate his "no wira tu" household and workplace philosophical mantra than to infantile tantrums of dissatisfaction. May his 2022 presidential aspirations work out gracefully for him. 
Now, quality leadership is all the society desires for like a Murang'a bouncing Friesian calf thirsts for the nutritious milk from its mother's udder. Now that the cow is to be left in the care of another person, what does it take, what will it take for the person to ensure the cow remains healthy and thus the calf growing into a healthy heifer? Here, let's explore what it must demand for county 021 to enjoy better quality and credible leadership! Fundamentally, what will it take to be the next Murang'a county governor?
First and foremost, the people of Murang'a want a revolutionary leader who will better the best of H.E. Wa Iria's revolutionary leadership. Noticeably, world's civilization most powerful economic and social revolutions like the ancient Agrarian agricultural revolution in Egypt, The American revolution which was spearheaded by Presidents George Washington, John Adam,Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin. The Industrial revolution in Europe were driven and orchestrated by great revolutionary leaders. Outstanding revolutionary leadership was and is integral stewards the society towards gargantuan heights in development and civilization. That is one of the greatest tests for the 2022 gubernatorial aspirants.
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. It was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and USA from about 1760-1840. It included advancement from manpower labour to use of machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, the invention of steam engine, the development of machine tools and also introduction of mechanized factory and industrial system. The Industrial Revolution accelerated unprecedented rate of population and economical growth. The period commenced and flourished under the stewardship of brilliant intellectual and revolutionary leaders that paved the way for the superpower economies their countries are today.
Now, reverse revolution in civilisation, science and technology catalysed by corrupt, selfish, dictatorial and ignominious leadership orchestrated by most third world leadership has been the core of crumbling economy, low GDP, low standards of living, low life expectancy rate and huge unaccounted for depts. The people have awoken up and the near future might see a ruthless change in style of choice of leadership from handouts dissemination to credible leadership track parameters. Now, back to Murang'a county. 
 Though most of the aspirants are yet to make formal personal declarations on whether to race for the governor, most county 021 have been pressing one Hon. Jamleck Kamau to declare his gubernatorial aspirations. Hon. Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) is attributed to stewarding famously humble but revolutionary leadership in different legislative and administrative capacities in and outside the government as Kigumo MP, Nairobi Metropolitan Minister, Chairperson of different parliamentary committees and now chairperson of Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA). 
The people of Murang'a are right! In the stewardship of Hon. Jamleck Kamau, Kigumo constituency rose to become the education giant constituency in the then larger Murang'a district. Many new schools were constructed among them Kigumo Girls High School. Every secondary and college/university student who applied for NG-CDF bursaries was awarded. No bright needy student discontinued their education for lack of school fees. Some of them are advocates of High Court of Kenya, doctors, teachers, engineers, leaders, successful farmers, jua Cali artisans, mechanics, masons, carpenters etc. Polytechnics recorded highest number of admissions after he vociferously renovated and reformed them. Infact, the graduate of University of Nairobi set the pace in education in Kigumo not to be broken.  
Still, many feeder and tarmacked roads were opened, renovated and improved to super standard conditions like the Kaharati-Kangari road. The people have no trouble taking their farm produce to markets or coffee factories and tea collection centers and tea factories like Ikumbi tea factory. Transit was no longer anguish to travellers in Kigumo constituency.
Kigumo Level 4 hospital is where it is today due to the stewardship of the enigmatic, revolutionary leader Hon Jamleck. He developed it from a dispensary. Other health centers like Muthithi Dispensary and Kamung'ang'a Dispensary which also has a mortuary have a generous touch of this revolutionary heart and hands.
Hon Jamleck Kamau is causing stomach upsets and sleepless nights to his presupposed competitors who have little to associate for development in the county and in the nation. They can't be blamed! They are wishing they could have a stoic leadership track and experience as the man causing them nightmarish days and nights. Unfortunately, wishes are not horses.
Charisma, credibility, honesty, aggressiveness revolutionary leadership and the grace of God saw his appointment as the minister for Nairobi Metropolitan (2012) in the Mwai Kibaki government, his stewardship improved Nairobi city where most modern roads were built, CCTV cameras connected, environmentally clean, safe and conducive standards realised, industries opened, businesses expanded and also the connection of Murang'a county to Nairobi city became more profound. 
The positively aggressive revolutionary has entrenched his name and humble personality not only in the sands of time but also in the hearts of many across Murang'a county and beyond. Succinctly, Hon Jamleck Kamau has been a generous leader who has never left the people in their times of joy and times of atrocities. For instance, he has been involved in harambees to raise funds to cater for large hospital bills, church development, school fees and even construction of new modern houses for extremely poor families and families affected by landslides when excessive downpours wreak havoc in the county. The people of Kigumo, Maragwa, Kiharu and Kandara are witness.
Hon Jamleck Kamau's leadership is like Mt. Kenya and the unmistakable beautiful snow on its peak. He causes perceptible tics and jitters to anybody who is eyeing for the gubernatorial seat because none of them is close to him in terms of leadership experience and integrity. 
The people of Murang'a are wise citizens who need Hon. Jamleck Kamau to progress the county to great economic and political revolution. They are really anticipating for his official declaration and stewardship as the second county 021 governor by the grace of God. 

Written by Gitau Wa Kung'u.

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