```By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u ✒️```
This is to all the cynics, the pestle-wielding propagandist critics, the unrelenting, the idle and idling, twittering, collective children of anger, the distracted crowd of Facebook addicts, the BBM-pinging soap opera gossips of Kenya, who seem to be in competition among themselves to pull down the roaring lion on the mountain; Hon Jamleck Kamau.
This army of sponsored and self-appointed anarchists is so diverse; many of them don’t even know why or how they should attack, by the grace, the next governor of Mûrang'a County Hon Jamleck Kamau indirectly through his PA, Bravo Gachwe.
Well, the clear danger to public affairs commentary is that we have a lot of unintelligent people repeating stupid clichés and too many intelligent persons wasting their talents lending relevance to thoughtless propagandist conclusions. Hold on.
I don’t want to be misunderstood. I am not saying nobody should criticize through propaganda, Hon. Jamleck or his team. I spent some time learning that legal maxim: “volenti non fit injuria”. Publicity comes with its own share of risks and exposure.
But the twittering, pinging, Facebook crowd of the new age must be guided by facts not imaginations.
Hon. Jamleck is a clever, methodical and intelligent man, who is very adept at wrong footing all the persons who make an effort to second-guess or under-estimate him. He understands the complexity of the community.
He is acutely conscious of the historicity of his emergence as the chairman of TARDA, former minister of Nairobi Metropolitan, celebrated Kigumo MP and now Mûrang'a County gubernatorial aspirant.
He knows that he is here as the leader of the people. He knows that he is a representative of all common persons, particularly the children of all blue collar workers who never wore shoes or got a chance to eat three-square meals, and whose mothers and aunties could never be part of policy-making processes.
When he is in the office, and he gets there early every day, and works till very late, he is exposed to all categories of Kenyans. He runs a modern and open office. He is on Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS, BB, and he reads. And he writes back.
Here is a man who is an epitome of loyalty and simplicity. The thing about Jamu's pointless, propagandist critics is that they just cannot accept that someone with his simplicity could be their next governor!
This is the Saul Complex disturbing them! Saul could not accept the fact that somebody as simple as David could be favoured by God. And just like Saul threw the spear at David out of uncontrollable jealousy, these critics are out to throw any kind of spear to see which hits the target, hence all their lies about Hon Jamleck's PA, Bravo Gachwe.
Let me end by saying that Mr. Kamau is a simple man but simplicity is not naivety.
Attacking him using monkeyish theatrics and propaganda will not throw him off balance. Those pebbles they are throwing are just bouncing to with just his mightier roar. Who stands a lion's roar?
Written by Gîtau wa Kung'u ✒️
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