LECTURE HALL MEMOIRS: Is the Bible Sexist?

By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u.
"The Bible is sexist!" Janel shouts in high, agitated pitch of a feminism activist. 

All of us look at her astoundingly. She just confidently spoke out what we could not manage to speak out though it was simmering in our befuddled Christian minds.We are in the interesting Language and Gender (ENG 313) class. 

Different faces and multiple eyes are ricocheting at her. Condemnation, sympathy, flabbergastation, pity and mixed reactions jump outside of many of our faces, lift palms to heads and drop jaws. 

"Why do you say so?" The lecturer asks. Sighs deep and intense enough to blow away the remaining paint coating on the lucky seats fill the room.She goes on to support her argument more audaciously. Most of us already resonate with her. 

Have we sinned, blasphemed, by attending this class? Pastors say we are exposed to sin even by unintentionally seeing and hearing evil things. Maybe there's sin in smelling bad things unintentionally too! 

But we could have still sinned for not obeying the university's rule to attend classes! And it's said there's no big or small sin! 

"It's an open truth that the Bible puts the man as the head and the woman as his neck in the family setting. Infact, it says God created man (Adam) first then later, after seeing the man was lonely he made Adam sleep deeply and he created a woman (Eve) from a man's rib! Is it fair for males to be made more important than females?" She ends with a rhetorical question.

This lady probably just won her ticket to hell! But for what, speaking out her mind? I'm guilty and so most of us are. Hypocrites! It's getting hot yet it's raining snowflakes. I look towards the roof. 

Finally my name is called out. So my eyes swipe from the roofs and first meet Stacy's turban-bound head is bowed. Oh Lord! Save us from eternal fire! 

"What do you think, is the Bible sexist?"
I now understand why most students don't put up their hands even when they know the answer. Now here am I. I'm at crossroads, to either defend the Bible as not sexist or to agree with Janel.

The Bible is the word of God. Correcting even a punctuation mark, leave alone condemning the Bible is very very bad! That's what we have been taught since childhood. 

The Bible says, "thou shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!" The truth is the Bible itself. It also prophecies that in the end times; laws will be changed, evil will be taken as good, people will love to hear what is false and hate the truth.

I wonder, "is feminism some fulfillment of the prophecy?"
Where were feminists when God was inspiring the Bible? Ouch! I compile my answer, "if anybody feels the Bible is sexist, let them go ahead and get inspired by feminism to correct those sexist or rather 'antifeminist' verses!" 

Then time saves me! Huh! Is the Bible sexist?

Written by Gîtaû wa Kûngû✒️

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