By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

The Murang'a county gubernatorial office has attracted several individuals 
before next year's exit of the incumbent HE Mwangi Wa Iria and ahead of 2022 general elections. These include Hon Jamleck Kamau, Hon Sabina Wanjiru Chege (incumbent W. Rep), Hon Irungu Kang'ata(Incumbent Senator), Dr Moses Mwangi (2013 & 2017 gubernatorial candidate), Transport CS Francis Macharia, Water PS Wairagu and Irungu Nyakera so far.

Among the aspirants, only Hon Jamleck Kamau and Dr. Moses have contested for Murang'a governor in the past. In 2017 Jubilee Party nominations, Hon Jamleck (Kabisa kabisa) garnered 118, 274 votes and lost to the incumbent governor Wa Iria who garnered 205, 976 votes though the nominations were scrutinized to be marred with irregularities. Hon Jamleck however respected the outcome and exited the race despite pressure to run as an independent candidate. Dr. Moses exited Jubilee Party and joined Mzalendo Saba Saba party, the ticket which he used to contest against Jubilee Party's Mwangi Wa Iria in 2017 general elections. Dr. Moses managed to garner 156,813 votes but lost to Wa Iria who garnered 349,904 votes.

Hon Sabina Chege vied with the region's majority Jubilee party and garnered 391,875 votes against independent candidate Waithira Muithirania's 114,684 votes to become the incumbent women rep. Hon. Irungu Kang'ata garnered 
279,351 votes on a Jubilee ticket against former senator Amb. Kembi Gitura's 227,383 votes who vied as independent candidate. 

It's notable that both Hon Sabina Chege and Hon Irungu Kang'ata managed to get a higher number of votes because they were running against only one candidate. Thus, the number of votes each garnered cannot be used as guarantee of commanding similar voter support in the county because they accumulated the votes due to the fact that they were contesting against one candidate. 

Now, Hon. Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) who is now the chairperson Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA), former Kigumo MP and former Nairobi Metropolitan Minister is the most likely aspirant to become the next Murang'a governor.

 He enjoys vast experience in leadership, is a charismatic and credible leader and most importantly he is familiar with the gubernatorial politics and has candid and close relationship with the voters. 

Hon Jamleck can be said to command already more than 118,274 plus supporters because he was contesting against three others: Mwangi Wa Iria, Eng. Joshua Toro and Dr. Moses in 2017.

The rest of the 2022 gubernatorial aspirants do not know the magnitude of voter support they command. As they dip their feet into the county 021 voters sea, Hon Jamleck Kamau is already 118,274 feet deep into the voters sea. Murang'a South voters too are not likely to vote another governor from Murang'a North. That trims the chances of Hon Kang'ata, Hon Nyakera and Hon Wairagu to be the next governor. Hon. Jamleck and Dr. Moses both come from Murang'a South. Hon Jamleck is more popular and charismatic than Dr. Moses. Hon Sabina was born in Kinyona, Murang'a South and married in Murang'a North. Thus, people from Murang'a South may not support her as they would if she was married in her birth zone, Murang'a South. To most Southerners, voting her would mean taking leadership to Murang'a North where she is married.

That leaves Hon Jamleck Kamau at the most favourable place to be the next Murang'a governor. 
  If there might be coalitions, any of the others especially those aspirants from Murang'a North, must support Hon Jamleck to become deputy governor or be ministers that will make the next Murang'a county government. 

If BBI passes, Hon Jamleck will have his running mate (deputy governor) from Murang'a North and that must be a lady. On this presupposition, Hon Sabina Chege would be a probable running mate owing to her matrimonial relationship to Murang'a North if she decides to pull out of the race and support Hon. Jamleck.

Therefore, Hon Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) is the most likely aspirant to become the next Murang'a governor.

✒️ Gitau Wa Kung'u.

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