The pen of Gitau wa Kung'u.
Sometimes I think about some of these government policies and shake my head in disappointment.
Why for example did the president declare a cessation of movement and lockdown on the five counties with such immediate decision only for the gvt spokesperson to give other info the next day? Of course that was at least relieving. But it spells out the mild rot in the government's think tank!
It paints an impression of confusion and incapacity to administer candidly.
For heavens sake, why were the five counties locked yet movement in and out of the locked region still happens to and from one county to the other. Isn't this making the zone an oven for covid breeding and transmission?
Then, why did Uhuru have to lock the nation without first considering how the country will mitigate through hunger, loss of jobs, closure of businesses (churches included) and the marauding starvation?
These and more government's policies are a sham. Yet they are the intelligence blossoms of our nation. They a're the reason we remain backward forever.
We may put on masks to prevent corona but it cannot prevent the odor of decay and the rot in this government.
Anyway stay safe: vaa mask, sanitise, don't go out unless it's really necessary, maintain social distance, avoid hugging, avoid touching your face....
God have mercy on us.
Written by Gitau wa Kung'u
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