Poet: Gitau wa Kung'u.✒️

Having you by my side, lying your brainy head on my chest,

Makes me in peace abide, as I stroke your neck and you rest,

Emotions sweep me in high tide, as your fingers trace my chest,

It's so much love I can't hide, blossoming sweetly in our love nest.

Aw! Your kisses make me weak, always so sumptuous n tender,

How your lips drive me towards the peak! Mixing me like a blender!

Your romance! I can't speak! You must be a bender, my words bender!

You fly me till into satisfaction I peek, you are my seventh heaven sender!

So electrifying is your touch, gets me warm and hot and wild,

Attracts me to you so much, making me feel wanted and mild,

As your palms downwards search, the strong pillar of our world,

Gets me so crazy as such, my heart dances like an anxious child.

When finally yours grips mine, into another dimension do I fly,

As in our love garden I plant our vine, I feel glorious like a firefly,

As our eyes in pleasure shine, our bodies merge as nerves electrify,

Together we drink in our love wine, leaving the mourns only to verify.

Poet: Gîtau wa Kung'u ✒️

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