By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'uMy friend Kibugi wa Ihii usually tells politics has no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. That's very true. This quote was confirmed by the blooming alliance of Raila Odinga and William Ruto. |
The two political bulldozers went separate ways after the 2007/2008 P.E.V. that saw Ruto being ensnared by Louis Moreno Ocampo then Fatou Bensouda, prosecutors of the International Criminal Court (ICC) alongside Joshua Sang, Muthama, Uhuru, Henry Kosgei and M. Ali. Well, it's said as Raila became PM in the infamous Nusu Mkate government, he betrayed and therefore sacrificed Ruto.
Not long after, Ruto and Uhuru made the Jubilee alliance that saw them lead the government since 2013. So the largest part of the decade have seen Raila refer to Ruto as "mwizi" due to the rampant corruption scandals in the Jubilee gvt. Raila's cronies have associated Ruto with other nicknames like Arap Mashamba for his several court alignments in accusation of land grabbing.
Similarly, Ruto and his faction has been calling Raila "Mganga, jamaa wa vitendawili."
Now, if R. Odinga (Mganga) forms an alliance with W. Ruto (Mwizi) he would be compromising himself. How can he candidly convince his almost religious followers that Ruto is not the thief he has been leading them to believe Ruto is?
Well, if you are a supporter of Agwambo, would you support Ruto if baba says so? Unless somebody else uses your brain to think for you!
Well, none among the two can concede the other to run for president. Hustler cannot serve a third term as dp. For Agwambo, this is the last bullet, a borrowed one even before old age locks him out.
Anyway, after all and sundry, this political marriage will not work out. Just like most come we stay and see if we'll work out relationships.
It will end in tears, fortunately, they won't be my tears.
Written by Gitau wa Kung'u
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