By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u
Life is a journey. Like every journey starts with one step, so does life start at conception. In fact I think that life starts even before conception in the mind of God. Jeremiah 1:5 days, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Well, none of any life form has existed by mistake or accident. For everything that God created has a purpose. So do you, him/her, it and I have a purpose. I think that purpose is what makes our life journey. We were born to fulfill a purpose, each one his/her own purpose. Do you know your purpose?
Now, God is really omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Nothing, however little escapes his knowledge forever. He masterminded our conception, our birth, our growing up and our death. Who knows what more? So he gave each one a special, unique gift, a talent and ability. Some people are multitalented, we can say.
He designed where we were born, raised up, who we interact with, where we went, we are and where we are to go and meet other creation. Maybe to help realise our divine gifts/talents which are to help us achieve the purpose we were created for.
Maybe you are not sure where you are gifted or what you are talented in. If not, go to your knees and seek him who created you. Fast even. Matthew 6:33 says, "First seek his kingdom and his righteousness, and all this things will be added unto you." Oh yes, great, amazing things! God will guide you.
Luke 11:9 inspires, "So I say to you: ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened for you."
Now, materialistic world we are living in has blocked some of us from knowing our purpose and fulfilling our purpose. People have failed to even failed to notice their talents because of the detracting materialistic mindsets our minds have been programmed to. How?
Materialism is basically the constant concern over material possessions and wealth; a great or excessive regard for worldly concerns. Who said you have to drive a car, own estates, be rich to be regarded as successful? And when you don't get that you get frustrated? It's a lie. Why?
Let me ask you a few rhetorical questions. Was Jesus Christ great? Did he fulfill his purpose? Was he a rich man? Did he own any property? What about Socrates and Plato, the famous Greek philosophers who are still taught in our schools thousands of years after they died?
Now, if all bees wished to be eagles, where would we get honey? Yet the little insects make honey in their simple, hardworking ways and human and other creation are nourished. The bees are contented with making honey among other important things like cross-pollination in flowering plants. Am I making a point?
Now, my friend, some of us were created to be cleaners. Others to be cooks, artists, leaders, musicians, poets, engineers, priests, teachers, philosophers, entertainers, bridges, walls, etc. What you are best in, improve. If there are no cleaners, can you imagine how filthy our environment would be?
Our current situation nevertheless, may not mean that is where we were to remain. However: whether we enjoy or do not enjoy the work we do; whether we do or we don't like where we live or who we live with; let's always do what is needful with love and gratitude to God. Who knows?
Who knows if God positioned you: there; in that situation; in those circumstances, just to prepare you for living the fullness of your purpose? God is love.
Don't let expectations of others or the devil spoil you with hatred, bad thoughts or discontentment stop you from realising your full potential, lock your doors of self discovery, blessings and stop you from living your purpose.
Yes, have visions and life goals. Work on them and nurture them. But don't forget!
Luke 10:27 advices, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbour as you love yourself."
May we live to fulfill the purpose for which we were created by the grace of God.
Written by Gîtau wa Kung'u.
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