By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u✒️
This is to condemn, to demolish and discourage integrating hooliganism into public office leadership and to give insight on why elected leaders should Instead integrate elitism.

You must have experienced or seen this situation in social media and in the country (ground); a mob of an elected leader's workforce or sycophantic supporters bullying, insulting and harrassing an honest mwananchi enquiring why; a certain project delayed or stopped, bursary disbursement is late and/or unfair.

We need to ask ourselves several questions. First, how do these henchmen/goons/hooligans get so close to elected to leadership at the first place?

Obviously they were on the leaders campaign team. Kenyans say, "siasa sio kanisa/dini. Most of you know how political campaigns are played in Kenya. 

Politics of intimidation, propaganda, physical violence among other gruesome crimes are committed against opponents. 

And these uncouth acts are committed by dimwits who continue to occupy various positions or stick to the leaders like ticks to cowhides once they win. 

Thus the idiotic, sycophantic attention seeking hooligans must use the only weapon they know that paralyses opposition; arrogance and bullying. 

By doing this they think they are protecting the leader and thus proving allegiance. But do you think they really protect their "master" by insulting and bullying the complaining or criticising wananchi?

Next question; why do these leaders, after attaining office, continue tolerating such gangs of vulgarity? 

Well, most of the leaders who surround themselves with cocoons of gangs are basically hooliganic themselves, corrupt, dictatorial and criminals who must protect their ugly inner selves after attaining power and shedding the sheepskin. 

We have heard of the infamous terrorising "men in black," who attack civilians gathered to criticize corrupt, wobbling leadership. The gangs cause chaos, harrass, injure and even kill the wananchi to disrupt, confuse and stop crowds from talking to the media about the filth of the leadership. 

So sad, for a leader to hire goons to attack the citizens he/she has oppressed, exploited and impoverished Instead of protecting and empowering them as he/she had promised during campaign period.

So what solutions will correct the mess and crime committed by hooliganic leadership?

Aspiring leaders who distance their campaigns from hooligans must be clearly scrutinised before being supported by the society and getting elected. It must not be forgotten that even rats breath cool air to suppress pain as they dig their teeth into the unsuspecting victims.

The wananchi must stop allowing any aspiring leader who uses goons during campaigning to step into any public office. Otherwise, they will be voting in bullying, harrassment, terrorism, corruption and oppression after the cunning demons in sheepskin get drunk in power and shed their deceptive sheepskin.

Hooliganic leadership must not be allowed to continue being in power after the 2022 general elections. Truly, the demons have a calculated, deceiving  way of gradually going back to their neglected sheepskin, coming to wash their crimes.

They shamelessly appear to partake, associate themselves with and even take credit in the opening and launching of development projects like hospitals, roads, bridges etc that they are not aware how they were started by World Bank, UN organisations, NGO's or government organs.

Well, the masses are taken to be amnesiac and stupid to be influenced in a fortnight through handouts, psychological and emotional excitement by top celebrities and influential people to forget the evils already committed against them! 

Seriously, wananchi must remain sane and vigilant, refuse to be influenced into voting the same unaccredited leadership that has made their lives more hard and depressed. Or else, the mourning songs of oppression, corruption and impoverishment shall continue airing and the singers will continue suffering, getting maimed and killed. 

 Written by Gîtau wa Kung'u ✒️

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