By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u ✒️
We are Kenyans and Kenya is our business. Yes, we've been cheated, we've been betrayed and we've been fooled by hooligans and charlatans into electing them into leadership.

Oh yes! But the sages said; once beaten, twice shy. 
Wanjikú knows those charlatanical leaders who have been relegating the elite and people of substance to the back seat.

 Wanjiku knows the leaders who surround themselves with yes-men/women and dimwit goons for whom the lure of the stomach is the prime motivation. 

We know the leadership that has created a new class of leadership with questionable credentials, always preferring those who will do their bidding without questioning.

Wanjikú knows the cancer that has been pulling down Kenya to its knees. 

This new class of leaders basking on the euphoria of their newly unmerited status display an uncanny disdain for those who care to question the slide to the precipice into which the country is inevitably headed. 

Every sector of governance: the education system, the civil service, social infrastructure and the health care delivery system have been so assaulted and desecrated that it will take years to bring them back to form. Wanjikú knows!

These hooliganic regimes have become a catalogue of woes as government workers are owed salaries and gratuities running to several months stand in arrears as the lords of corruption and impoverishment find comfort in praise singing and cronyism from their sycophants. 

Theirs have become regimes of what can aptly described as the regime of Hon X for Hon X and members of Hon X's immediate family. 

They have been so blinded by the trappings and arrogance of power that theirs has become a verity of Lord Acton’s maxim; power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

They have been blinded by the lust for power to decipher the handwriting on the wall. They talk to themselves, listens to their paid-to-appease advisors and can't come to terms with the reality that they are in a deep mess. 

The verdict of the people is clear. It is a verdict against running office as a bodaboda business; a verdict against poor leadership and a verdict for credible alternative. 

It is a verdict of the will power of the electorate and that verdict must be respected.
Such is the verdict of history and failed leadership should give peace a chance!

Written by Gîtau wa Kung'u ✒️.

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