by Gîtaû wa Kûngû.
"I'm grateful to God and to the people of Mûrang'a for the love and support. Today I answer the humble call to officially run for Mûrang'a County governor 2022. I will be in the ballot!" Hon Jamleck Irungu Kamau.

His official declaration has come after big pressure from all over Mûrang'a County for him to vie for Mûrang'a gubernatorial office. 

Mûrang'a town and later other areas bloomed amid thunderous "Simba! Simba! Simba!" acknowledging celebrations. 

"I will ensure that any pending county government projects by HE Governor Mwangi Wa Iria are facilitated to completion," Said Mr Kamau.
"My government will set a County Education Endowment Fund Programme that will support all students, ensure 100% enrollment to secondary school and benefit students," he continued.

When he was Kigumo MP from 2007-2017, Mr. Kamau had a special CDF programme dubbed Kigumo Education Endowment Fund (KEEF).

The programme saw students from needy families sponsored fully until they completed their education. Elizabeth Muthoni, an advocate at the High Court of Kenya is among the many KEEF beneficiaries.

KEEF also saw Kigumo constituency rise to become an academic giant in Mûrang'a County. He is the brainchild of Kigumo Girls Highschool and saw more than 5 new secondary schools started. 

"Youths remain at the core of my heart because they are the nation of tomorrow," he continued.

He promised to fulfill his promise to Mûrang'a youth: to ensure more job and employment opportunities are created;

I will also initiate a programme to empower youths in self employment and talent discovery and development," Mr. Kamau resonated.

Hon Kamau, also regarded to as "Simba," "general," and "kabisa kabisa" all over the county is the sitting chairperson of Tana River Development Authority (TARDA).

"On water, I will ensure that the Aberdare water catchment and Ndakainî dam are tapped comprehensively and every Mûrang'a home is connected to clean tap water for domestic purposes and also farming;

Mûrang'a people cannot continue drawing muddy drinking water from boreholes while our water serves the jiji," the "Simba" continued.

He resonated with the people in thanking President Uhuru Kenyatta for ensuring all Kenyans have benefitted from and nobody should take any personal credit for what the government of Mr. Kenyatta has fully planned and funded.
The former Nairobi Metropolitan minister has a crystal clear record that improved Nairobi city.

In his tenure during HE Mwai Kibaki government, most modern roads were built, CCTV cameras connected, environmentally clean, safe and conducive standards realised, industries opened, businesses expanded and also the connection of Murang'a county to Nairobi city became more profound. 

He said, "I will ensure that an avocado processing plant is put up in Mûrang'a County to ensure that farmers who were offered over 2.5 million avocado seedlings by HE Mwangi wa Iria will have their avocados harvested and processed in Mûrang'a County."

This he said, is an initiative to do away with middlemen (brokers) and provide a means to better prices and markets. 
The plant is one of the many projects he promised will be bigger economic propellers through creating job and employment opportunities and development.

Hon Kamau is expected to battle for governorship against Water PS Mr. Joseph Wairagu, Mûrang'a women rep Sabina Chege, Dr. Moses Mwangi and former PS Irungu Nyakera.

Written by Gîtau wa Kung'u.

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