Poet: Gitau Wa Kung'u.
Mourning is not a wish for anyone,
Yet bereavement is a bile to everyone,
Surely death is a friend to no one,
That we are now so teary for someone,
Rest wordsmith, rest Philip Ochieng.

Will any avid Nation reader forget?
Who can forget your vibes nowhere to beget?
You were a teacher no student can no more get,
You was a success every writer has the target,
Rest wordsmith, rest Philip Ochieng.

Writers, journalists and readers are sad,
That no more shall we read from your pad,
The family doesn't know anything this bad,
Our hearts are now in a sorrowful wad,
Rest wordsmith, rest Philip Ochieng.

Poet: Gitau Wa Kung'u.


The day I took this selfie will never detach itself from my mind. Well, walking is one of my hobbies. It makes me relinquish stress and gives me time to meditate and think.I feel closer to nature and more at peace when I walk for short distances. My walk stops a little distance from the road, in a river bank or a  little deeper into some "forest." Here I watch the water flow downstream, carrying with it leaves and twigs from upstream. It's a very sensual, cooling experience.  The chirping of the birds, the fresh air 
from the green environment gives me time and space to enjoy nature far from the tugs, fights, car horns, garbage smoke and the shenanigans of the shopping center in which I was born and raised up. That aside.

This day I was taking my usual evening walk along Nyoka-nyoka road that connects Karwinu and Gacharage through the hilly, fertile lands of Murang'a South. Maybe I can give a succinct description of my mother land. Coz it's from it's beauty and it's imperfections that my world views, attitudes and perceptions have been shaped from my early childhood.

This nyoka nyoka road derives it's name from it's snaking orientation through the hilly Murang'a county landscape. It is a newly laid tarmac that has beautiful white lines on it's periphery and a yellow line at it's centre. It has small block like reflectors embedded in the road surface. These reflect beautiful colours at night once car lights hit them. Road rails run all along the road. They are fitted with white and red reflectors too that add to the valor of the road and substitute for its daylight beauty and minimise chances of cars flying over the cliffs at night.
At one time I was hired by SS Mehta & Sons Road Construction Company in it's construction when I just completed my secondary education. I doubt my grandpa would recognize the area would he wake up from his grave. He bade us good bye around eleven years ago (may his soul rest in peace). This road was a mess. It was a mass of potholes, noncompacted rocks that bayed for blood from the toes of the barefooted pedestrians and careless motorists. It was ugly.

To cut the long story short, bulksome rocks had to be blasted with dynamite explosives to create a way for this road. Other places had to be filled with soil to make good gentle curves. Right now the road that could rest for the whole day without a vehicle from the city driving over it is one of the busiest roads in Murang'a county. In fact, the Murang'ese take their farm produce to Thika and Nairobi markets via Nyoka-nyoka. Top national dignitaries use this road to reach out to Wanjiku in the county and in the neighbouring Nyeri county. For bike racers and Safari rally drivers from Nairobi and Kiambu counties, nyoka nyoka their favourite track. 

Back to my #tbt, this road gave me an inspiration through an experience that I will never read in any motivational book. That for a transformation from inactivity, ugliness and uselessness to beautifulness, appraisal and usefulness, change is a must and it's inevitable! This process of transformation is painful. You have to blast the attitudes that pull you down like those bulky rocks. You have to fill yourself with good attitudes and beliefs to make your life easy and help avoid unnecessary failures. You have to accept to be dug into so as to make a better version of yourself. Transformation is a painful metamorphosis you have to undergo to be successful.
©️ Gitau Wa Kung'u


By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

Movies are dear to a large population, especially young people. However, different people have different tastes of movies. Some like comedy, others like romance movies, action, thriller movies, horror, adventure, sci-fiction, supernatural etc. Just like the other media, films/movies have the main content delivered through audio-visual technology. 

They are produced to send a message: to criticize, to motivate, to demonize, to ridicule, to question the target members, social behaviour or morals and ethical perspectives in the society. They are just as entertaining as they are inspirational for different social groups and societies. 

Now, every piece of art influences the social behaviour, trifles belief systems, perception of things, dressing code, language, morals etc in their audience. It's said what we see or hear influences how we think and behave to an extent. Thus, some are rated to be viewed by adults only. Those under this category have erotic, pornographic and violent content unsuitable for viewing by children. Yet the children can access them on YouTube or in those video rooms in the streets and villages. Now, how has violent content in movies influenced and affected the morality and behaviour of our young people? How can we correct this?

I remember those days when I was a young boy. I used to go to video shows to watch Jackie Chan, Rambo, Chuck Norris, Danny Trejo movies. In fact, most of my peers and I would refuse to give the church offerings to save for the movies later after church. Others would go to movies instead of congregating with the faithful. Now, every time I would get out of those movie places I would feel more courageous, strong and brave like Jackie Chan or Rambo. There was a time when mama whipped me mercilessly as she caught me destroying her banana trees in the name of practising karate and martial arts moves I had seen Bruce Lee or Van Damme use on the bad guy. Another time I rolled a newspaper cigarette to feel free and important like Dolph Lundgren. We used to make two groups and fight each other and if your group won, you were either treated with respect by the other or you bully them like the Black American ghetto gangs in American Hollywood movies did. Sometimes we went home with injuries and twisted limbs but the underground fights continued until one boy had his leg broken.

 Early April this year, a nineteen years old young man shocked Kenyans when he surrendered to police with a basket containing the head of his grandmother. He had slaughtered his grandmother then surrendered just like, as he said, he had watched on an Indian movie! The character in the movie had killed his kin because he thought the kin a blockade to his success and peace of mind! What insanity! Astonishingly, our teenager was tested drug free. So the inspiration to kill his guardian and grandmother came from the movie he watched!

Now, some young people have killed the people cheating with their intimate partners on them because a main character in a movie did so. Others have gotten addicted to hard drugs because they wanted to copy their idol star character in a movie. Others have become alcoholic just because Jackie Chan was excellent fighter when drunk in the "Drunken Master" movie. It's funny still that youths have committed suicide just because they failed in their plans like the Yakuza mafia in the Japanese movies. Criminal gangs like Gaza have terrorised citizens, involved in drug trafficking, kidnapping and making illegal boundaries of their operations that other gangs must keep off or die in similar manner to the "ku klax klan" or mafia in western movies. 

Everybody has their problems and the "demons" they fight to live well. Unfortunately, many people are unable to counter and solve their problems and stress, depression catches up with them. Most of the depressed population harbour deep bitterness, even hatred towards the person or people whom they blame are part of the blockade to their success. Now, some cannot forgive others for wrongdoing them. Just because Rambo says, "God forgives but I don't!", before killing the bad guy in the movie, some young people have borrowed that only revenge or murder cancels out the wrongs if not correcting them and not forgiveness of the stronger.  

Some influenced youths have borrowed from the popular Money Heist/Professor movie series to plot and carry out bank robberies like in the Chase bank robbery in 2019. Others have hacked government parastatals, school bank accounts, private companies bank accounts and successfully siphoned money, stolen or changed information on their central computer systems. Unfortunately, mistakes have always happened and they have been jailed or even killed in the line of duty. 

Well, you see those guys who walk as if their shoes have balloon soles as their trousers sag and expose their inner wear to the world in the style of spoilt Black American youths yet our swaggering lads have never gone beyond even five hundred miles away from their place? What of the girls who wear stilleto heels to clubs and gotten their legs twisted and injured in the name of copying Angelina Jolie style? You must have heard your fellow Kenyan youth, especially ghetto lads mimicking the Black American language and foul slangs, haven't you? 

Young people, it's true that what you watch might influence how you think, behave, make decisions and act subconsciously if not consciously even though you are just enjoying the entertainment. Take care of your freedom to information. Filter out films and movie series that inspire violence and inhumane, psychopath behaviour. Guard yourself accordingly. 

Parents too must be stringent on the selection of films and movies their children watch and monitor their movements closely. You can only imagine what I could be now if mama tolerated mine going to those video shows only to come home feeling a bravado karate kid and destroying banana trees after smoking newspaper rolling then beating every boy or girl in my village and getting beaten and injured. 

The government ought to regulate the kind of audio visual content in the film industry so that dangerous, violent movies don't reach our homes and movie show places. 

✒️ Gitau Wa Kung'u.



The current face of corruption scandal investigation in the Kenya is no other than David Murathe. He is the vice chairperson of the ruling party Jubilee. Mr Murathe is also a close ally to the President Uhuru and Raila Odinga. This time round, he is not the confident man who breathes fire and brimstone as he talks to the masses and journalists usually preaching the gospel of "the handshake." He is not opinionating the probability of who is and who is not likely to be the next Kenyan president next year. No, tables have turned.

He has found himself on the rough and tough side of the law. This is after failing to appear before the parliamentary Committee assessing the KEMSA Scandal.Murathe is allegedly associated with the Kilig Limited that won a tender to supply PPEs to KEMSA.
The Jubilee Vice Chairperson, David Murathe was allegedly awarded a KSH. 4B tender at KEMSA to supply 450000 items. Interestingly, some MPs are the force focusing the radar on Mr. Murathe.

Mr. Murathe is one of the people who are very vocal in associating Dr. Ruto with stealing of public funds. When he talks, his voice is taken as the voice of the "deep state." The same deep state that claims to be fighters of graft and corruption. 

That has been illustrated in the impeachment of Kiambu and Nairobi governors Waititu and Sonko. The scheme also involved scourging by removal of other  politicians associated to the Tanga Tanga faction of Jubilee party allied to William Ruto. Amongst the lashed are former National Assembly majority leader Aden Duale,  Senate Chief whip Irungu Kang'ata and his deputy Cleophas Malala whose replacements are politicians allied to the opposition.

It's not to be forgotten that Amb. Kembi Gitura's corruption investigation in the loss of  multibillion Covid_19 mitigation materials and funds are still uncooked . Amb Gitura is now the new chief in town chairing the Communications Authority of Kenya. A probable partner the covid millionaires cocoon, Mr. Murathe is now under radar.Is this the start of the unveiling of the veil of deep seated hypocrisy in the fight against graft?

Kenyans are now curious in the peculiarity behind Murathe suspected involved in KEMSA corruption in awarding of tenders and also in the pocketing the two billions Uhuru spoke about which is lost daily to corruption cartels. Just the way they were curious about how Dr. Ruto knew that only Ksh 7B were lost in the Kimwarer and Arror dam project corruption scandal.

Well Mr Murathe represents "The Handshake's" interests. We may not know who they shared the loot with.The main aim here was to expose his hypocrisy and taint "The Handshake" and probably keep them busy from fighting Dr. Ruto for a while. Or Mr Murathe might find himself sacrificed if things go berserk. Who knows?

Well Kenyans can only but look on in their curiosity as they await more newsfeed into this.

Written by Gitau Wa Kung'u.


By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

Yesterday on Wednesday, 21st April, ODM leader Raila Odinga and his wife Ida Odinga hosted a delegation of Luhya "council of elders" led by former ambassador Burudi Nabwere. The old men supposedly poured lot's of well wishes to him. Meanwhile, Hon Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, 2022 presidential aspirant with One Kenya Alliance and a Luhya was busy enjoying tea over political enchantments to be betrothed groom of One Kenya Alliance with his coalition's co-principals Gideon Moi, Moses `Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka in the 2022 presidential election.

It's good to note that Hon Musalia Mudavadi has been getting the Luhya council of elders endorsements as the Mulembe nation king almost every year. He has been getting blessings to represent the Luhya community and probably become the first Luhya to become president of Kenya though he has always not succeeded yet.

Now, who were in the Luhya council of elders delegation to Raila's home while their Mulembe son was probably scheming the future of his political career and planning for next year presidential election? Are they the same old men who have been repeatedly endorsing him as their king? 

Today's Taifa Leo newspaper reports in the front page what could make you detest the all knowing grey haired mirrors of today's young people. Migori governor Obado is reportedly causing breakage of the Luo council of elders. He's adamant that the murder charges against him for getting involved in the murder of Sharon and her unborn baby two years ago and the unsuccessful impeachment he faced last year are schemes by ODM leader Raila Odinga to finish him off politically. A faction of the Luo council of elders probably believes that a leader must cause suffering and mourning to rule outstandingly, even if it means causing  death to a pregnant woman though he remains innocent man until proven guilty. The rest believe if Raila gives an unpleasant respiratory release of abdominal gases, their noses ought to be whipped for confusing it with a rose scent. Which faction is true between them, the one supporting Okoth Obado or the one supporting Amolo Odinga?

Sometimes back, some infamous faction of Kikuyu Council of Elders (Kiama Kiama) from Central Kenya visited Hon Odinga at his Bondo home where they supposedly endorsed Amolo. When the news spread, another faction of Kiama Kiama who called themselves the true Kiama Kiama aggressively distanced the reputable council's name from the "fake" and greedy Bondo endorsement. The attacked endorsing delegation whose: backs had straightened; who were now  bouncing in youthful pace as they listened to the Rhumba song  lyrics, "pesa ni sabuni ya rohoo..." denied the other "bitter old men" and insisted that they are the true Kiama Kiama. So, who are the true Kiama Kiama? In fact, there are very wise old men in most villages who are not part of the council of elders because they don't have estates, big businesses, big bellies and don't clad sharp, tailored suits. Where is the dignity of the respected traditional council of elders who could not be insensitive to their harmonious integrity in the community?  

When Raila Odinga and Ruto's political relationship was on its honeymoon, a faction of Luo elders recognised William Ruto as a Luo elder. That was in 2005 when ODM was was teething. The controversial old men of the land of the legendary elephant of wisdom and epic Gor Mahia decided a man from the region of the legendary Koitalel Arap Samoei could as well find place in the sitting of kong'o drinking, pocket sated, overjoyed,  wisdom exuding Luo elders. Well, not that I have a problem with a Kalenjin sitting in the Luo council of elders. Both tribes are Kalenjin, they can do what they want. 

In May 2015, a faction of the Njuri Ncheke council of elders in Meru County placed a curse on former Education Cabinet secretary Jacob Kaimenyi.The elder's Secretary General Josephat Murangiri claimed that the CS had disregarded their leadership after he ignored them and instead recognised the former Njuri Ncheke leaders at a rally.  The infuriated group cursed that Kaimenyi should never identify himself as an elder of Njuri Ncheke, greet any Njuri Ncheke elder or set foot at any Njuri Ncheke shrine until he is cleansed as reported by Benjamin Muriuki in blog.
Later, the other faction of Nchuri Ncheke defended the CS and challenged their rivals by dismissing the curse saying that Nchuri Ncheke has barely cursed anyone since 1800s and instead uses negotiations to find solutions not invoking curses. Probably, the cursing faction wanted to blackmail the CS into having an appointment of an "appeasing" ceremony with them. He was later "uncursed" in July 2015.but was cursed again in July 2017. 

Now, are these the elders our young people look up to? Elders who are greedy of money, who fight to be photographed with the political heavyweights in a similar way to their granddaughters and even great granddaughters now regarding themselves slayqueens? 

It's so sad. So very sad that some of the drivers of our communities are just as drunk, greedy, corrupt, careless, impatient and lack insight as their grandchildren drivers in the  matatu industry who oftenly cause dangerous killer accidents along Kenyan roads. 

 May the wisdom of the true and credible elders prevail over the former's foolishness and corruption.

✒️Gitau Wa Kung'u.



By the pen of Gitau Wa Kung'u.

The Murang'a county gubernatorial office has attracted several individuals 
before next year's exit of the incumbent HE Mwangi Wa Iria and ahead of 2022 general elections. These include Hon Jamleck Kamau, Hon Sabina Wanjiru Chege (incumbent W. Rep), Hon Irungu Kang'ata(Incumbent Senator), Dr Moses Mwangi (2013 & 2017 gubernatorial candidate), Transport CS Francis Macharia, Water PS Wairagu and Irungu Nyakera so far.

Among the aspirants, only Hon Jamleck Kamau and Dr. Moses have contested for Murang'a governor in the past. In 2017 Jubilee Party nominations, Hon Jamleck (Kabisa kabisa) garnered 118, 274 votes and lost to the incumbent governor Wa Iria who garnered 205, 976 votes though the nominations were scrutinized to be marred with irregularities. Hon Jamleck however respected the outcome and exited the race despite pressure to run as an independent candidate. Dr. Moses exited Jubilee Party and joined Mzalendo Saba Saba party, the ticket which he used to contest against Jubilee Party's Mwangi Wa Iria in 2017 general elections. Dr. Moses managed to garner 156,813 votes but lost to Wa Iria who garnered 349,904 votes.

Hon Sabina Chege vied with the region's majority Jubilee party and garnered 391,875 votes against independent candidate Waithira Muithirania's 114,684 votes to become the incumbent women rep. Hon. Irungu Kang'ata garnered 
279,351 votes on a Jubilee ticket against former senator Amb. Kembi Gitura's 227,383 votes who vied as independent candidate. 

It's notable that both Hon Sabina Chege and Hon Irungu Kang'ata managed to get a higher number of votes because they were running against only one candidate. Thus, the number of votes each garnered cannot be used as guarantee of commanding similar voter support in the county because they accumulated the votes due to the fact that they were contesting against one candidate. 

Now, Hon. Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) who is now the chairperson Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA), former Kigumo MP and former Nairobi Metropolitan Minister is the most likely aspirant to become the next Murang'a governor.

 He enjoys vast experience in leadership, is a charismatic and credible leader and most importantly he is familiar with the gubernatorial politics and has candid and close relationship with the voters. 

Hon Jamleck can be said to command already more than 118,274 plus supporters because he was contesting against three others: Mwangi Wa Iria, Eng. Joshua Toro and Dr. Moses in 2017.

The rest of the 2022 gubernatorial aspirants do not know the magnitude of voter support they command. As they dip their feet into the county 021 voters sea, Hon Jamleck Kamau is already 118,274 feet deep into the voters sea. Murang'a South voters too are not likely to vote another governor from Murang'a North. That trims the chances of Hon Kang'ata, Hon Nyakera and Hon Wairagu to be the next governor. Hon. Jamleck and Dr. Moses both come from Murang'a South. Hon Jamleck is more popular and charismatic than Dr. Moses. Hon Sabina was born in Kinyona, Murang'a South and married in Murang'a North. Thus, people from Murang'a South may not support her as they would if she was married in her birth zone, Murang'a South. To most Southerners, voting her would mean taking leadership to Murang'a North where she is married.

That leaves Hon Jamleck Kamau at the most favourable place to be the next Murang'a governor. 
  If there might be coalitions, any of the others especially those aspirants from Murang'a North, must support Hon Jamleck to become deputy governor or be ministers that will make the next Murang'a county government. 

If BBI passes, Hon Jamleck will have his running mate (deputy governor) from Murang'a North and that must be a lady. On this presupposition, Hon Sabina Chege would be a probable running mate owing to her matrimonial relationship to Murang'a North if she decides to pull out of the race and support Hon. Jamleck.

Therefore, Hon Jamleck Kamau (Kabisa Kabisa) is the most likely aspirant to become the next Murang'a governor.

✒️ Gitau Wa Kung'u.


A lizard can never climb an elephant with an intention of raping it!!
Comrades riah!!!
Blow job is better than no job!!
Comrades tibim, if you see a pregnant prostitute, that is a sign of a failing business.
A comrade would rather kill himself than commit suicide. Tension!
Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you!

Comrades power!!!!

They buy the watch,we set the time.
Once a comrade always a comrade. Comrades do not talk,they ooze wisdom!
A hidden bullet can't shoot even a slave....
A virgin can't never sire a child... Under all cost.... Men's power.... Nimelala!!
A man who does not like the sound of a drum should not sell it to his neighbour..
Even if a goat is dragged to go and eat, it will still resist..
A man who sell eggs should not start a fight in the market!
A fool puts the cart in front of the donkey!
A house help who dresses better than the madam of the house will soon be jobless.!
A man with diarrhoea knows the direction of the door with eyes closed.
A man can be stingy everywhere except in bed, you cannot give half a pregnancy!
A chick that will grow to a cock is noted in the hatchery.
A cock belongs to the house but when it crows, it is heard in the whole village.
Only a widow who knows where his husband is everynight.
Only after the tree has grown that you can only tie a goat to it..
A responsible penis wakes up before the owner.
A restless foot can land you to a snakepit.
The only warning that a Wiseman takes seriously is LOW BATTERY!
A hen that doesn't bow down for the cock will lay unfertilized eggs.
A goat that will break the drum will have to pay with its own skin.
After a foolish act comes remorse.
When chasing a lion, spare some energy to make a u-turn in case it changes it's mind..
He who laughs last, laughs the best.
If you see a lion and a zebra drinking water from the same water pan, it's either the lion is sick or it needs zebra's vote in forest elections..
A drunk hen forgets the presence of the hawk.
There is no justice without teargas!!!
Never reveal your next move!
Dine with a stranger but save the love for your wife.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
No man can use the same condom twice!!!
Words are like daggers,take care as you unsheath.
Comrades are not bossy, they only suggest opinions!
Givers needs to set limit because takers got no limit.
The law is a spider's web;only the little insects get caught.
Rules are set before the game!
The oppressor will be judged for oppressing the oppressed while the oppressed will be judged harshly for allowing the oppression.
Raising the voice doesn't improve an argument.
No amount of whistling will call back a dog that has escaped severe beatings.
"If poverty was sold for a cent,no one could buy" Ngugi wa Thiongo.
No matter how short a man is, he can never be shorter than his manhood!
When diplomacy fails war begins!
The only time when comrades go to bed is when they're making babies!
You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your Art of War!
A king with wise counsellors enjoys a peaceful reign.
If you want to walk fast,go alone.if you want to go far move together.
He who burns his father's property must be ready to inherit ashes.
An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
When you bury your past, you should avoid friends with shovels.

No matter how useless you are, your funeral cannot start if you are not there!... Comrades Zagazaga!!
No matter how lazy you are you can't leave your buttocks!

Comrades riiia!!!

No matter how much you shake,the last drop will fall onto your pantie.
Comrades riaaaah!!!!
Those who meet in absence of a rich man, will have to meet again on the same issue... Comrades Tialala!!
No matter how wise you are,you cannot cheat death.
Comrades tibim!!!
One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.
A man who hangs around a beautiful girl without revealing his intentions will end up fetching water and scrambling for plates in the girl's wedding..!!
 A baby can play with his mother's breast but can't play with his father's testicles- comrades acheeew!!!
 No matter how dark you are,you can never ejaculate dark sperms, comrades hakchu
Before you go out with a widow,ask what killed her husband" comrades mwaaaah!!
He who goes to bed with an itchy anus,wake up with smelling fingers-comrades tialala!!!
If you see a poor man eating chicken, it's either the chicken is sick or man was sick!!
No matter how big your head is you can never leave it at home!!
No matter how big your balls are,you can't sit on them, tibim!!!
 No matter how tall you are you can't see tommorow.
Beauty without brains,the private parts suffers the most.comrades acheeew!!!
A chicken that does not hear pssst will hear a stone!!
Whether the frog falls on the knife or the knife falls on the frog...the frog must bleed.
An egama lizard in the village will remain an egama lizard even in town.
A poor man scratches his balls using his torn pockets!!
A stupid fly will follow the corpse to the grave..
A stupid mosquito thinks men are clapping for its ringtone!
It must be handled with a lot of civility not to cause pandemonium to the Wiseman!!
A mosquito on the scrotum must be handled with care
A Wiseman does not sleep on the same day he woke up..
There is no virgin in a maternity ward
Comrades zagazaga
Girls are like mangoes,when you are waiting for them to ripe others are eating them with salt...warembo mwaaaah
A woman in dire need of a child will sleep naked..!!
Never underestimate the power of united fools😂
Forgive your enemies but never forget their names!!
A bitter tea from a friend is better than sweet wine from an enemy.riiiah!!!
t's only a fool who will expect a deaf person to run away from gunshots.
"When a Rich Man falls sick, a poor man will pay him a visit to say sorry and wish him quick recovery. When a poor man is sick, he will wait until he gets well and then visit the rich man to inform him he has been unwell”- Chinua Achebe
It's only a foolish cat that will eat a pregnant rat..
When you put a pastor and a prostitute in a room be sure there will be a conversation, comrades riah
When a rat laughs at a cat,know there is a hole nearby
A lady who has never sat badly in public can never give birth to a journalist nor an optician...
It is better to die standing than live on your knees begging💪
What God has put together let no SEPTIC TANK separate!!
Wisdom is like an underwear, necessary to have but unnecessary to show
No matter how great you are, you must bow before God and your barber..

FIRSTBORNS: Their Roles, Responsibilities And Upbringing.

A firstborns is the first child to be born to a parent or family. He/she is the eldest child of a family. Traditionally in most African communities and also societies across the world, firstborns have been given a very socially significant role. They are supposed to protect or take care of their younger siblings in absence of the parent (s) or guardian (s), help in the most demanding household chores and also serve as role models to the younger siblings.
Due to their first position in the order of their family's childbirth, most firstborns develop leadership skills very early in life. Most also become very responsible. 

Most firstborns usually have very strong bond and closer ties with their parents. At their birth especially to young, inexperienced parents, they tend to be overprotective and give undivided attention to raise the firstborn with great parental love for the first fruit of their love. This is manifested in many cultures where parents leave behind a larger chunk of inheritance. Infact, in the Gîkûyû community of central Kenya, inheritance can't be shared in absence of the firstborn.

The eldest children develop authoritative personality during early development especially when they are entrusted to take care of their younger siblings by their parents or guardians. That oftenly makes them very good, authoritative leaders. They become good class prefects and manage their classmates with great self esteem and self confidence. If they are well nurtured in leadership roles they become great and credible administrators. 

However, to some extreme, firstborns are consumed with envy and even jealousy towards their younger siblings. Their juniors seem to disposses them of the undivided parental attention they previously enjoyed thus the envy. In the cases where firstborns are also the only children there's a tendency for them to get spoilt if the parents are not stringent disciplinarians.

In cases where the firstborns pass on at an early age, the immediate sibling in the order of birthright usually take over their roles and responsibilities. In cases where firstborns are undisciplined and irresponsible however, younger siblings tend to copy them. Firstborn children should therefore be brought up with great care, parental love and guidance but this should not be insensitive to the younger siblings. 
Written by Gitau wa Kung'u.

Safiri salama Rais John Pombe Magufuli

Ni pigo, jitimai na simanzi kubwa kwa Tanzania, jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki na Afrika nzima kwa kifo chake Dr. Pombe Magufuli, rais mtukufu wa Tanzania. Marehemu alikuwa kiongozi shunjaa aliyejitenga kwa ubaladhuli, ufisadi na ukandamizaji wa viongozi wengi humu Afrika! Majonzi iliyoje!

Rais Dr. Magufuli atakumbukwa kama kiongozi halisi aliyefanya mabadiliko makubwa kama vile kuongoza kujenga na kuinua uchumi wa Tanzania, kupigana na uchochole na kutiribua magenge ya viongozi wafisadi.

Ni dhahiri kwamba marehemu alisimama kidete kupigania hali halisi na kuhakikisha kwamba hakuna mabilionea wa ufisadi wa furushi la COVID-19 Tanzania kama ilivyo hapa Kenya.

Magufuli pia alisimamia kwa imani kubwa na mapenzi ya walokole ambao aliwapigania kwa hali na mali na kuwainua kiuchumi na kimaisha. Mungu ailaze pema peponi roho ya marehemu Magufuli.

Itakumbukwa kwamba wakati marais wa Afrika wakijitia hamnazo na kuabudu sera hafifu na za kiukoloni za mataifa yaliyoendelea, Rais Magufuli alisimama kidete na kwa umahiri na hekima kubwa kupingana na wenzake.

Ni dhahiri shahiri kwamba marehemu hakuwa mkaidi kama nchi za ughaibuni zaonekana kusimamia, rais Pombe alikuwa kiongozi stadi aliyetekeleza wajibu wake namna ilivyofaa. Wampende wampende, uongozi wake Ni wa kuigwa!

Kiongozi wa milenia tumempoteza kwa mwili ila sera na hekima aliyotuachia haitadidimia katu kwa kumbukumbu zetu. Hivyo, viongozi wa Afrika na kila mmoja wetu twafaa kuiga marehemu.

Walakini, mwenyewe na watu Wengi duniani twampenda marehemu ila Mungu kampenda zaidi. Tufanyeni ila kukubali japo kwa machozi? Mola amlaze Rais Mtukufu Magufuli mahali pema peponi.

🖋️Gitau wa Kung'u


Most leaders if not all have led in condoling with Tz and family of the late Tz president HE Pombe Magufuli. That's good. In their condolences messages they are heaving lots of respectful regards of the virtues of the late.

Virtues like integrity, dedicated leadership, credibility, ethical uprightness, being visionary, being daring, helping the poor, extinguishing corruption and injustice, being a firm believer etc. Which is commendable! But my point of concern is the next obvious statements. That all leaders should follow in the late president's footsteps in upholding those virtues in leadership!

The same crooks who have been the contrary of the icon leader Magufuli was amid his imperfections! The same rich thieves who have squeezed, milked and squandered billions from COVID_19 pandemic economic resuscitation funds! Not to mention all those many other multiple involvement in multibillion scandals, social injustice, bigotry, oppression, deception etc.

The hypocritical cowards and accomplices in impoverishment of the people can now praise the unmatched leadership virtues and skills and type to say how every leader should learn from the late HE Pombe.

The same righteous thieves who continue to raise their salaries when they want while Magufuli cut his salary from Tz Sh 1.8 M to 450, 000!

Let them cut this bullshit and empty praises and start the example of emulating the late by cutting their salaries!

Otherwise they type their untrue condolences messages and stop right after the first paragraph.

If they do not follow in the footsteps of the person they are praising and encouraging others to emulate we shall not tire to condemn their indifference after they kiss breath goodbye.


Written by Gitau wa Kung'u


The two political bulldozers went separate ways after the 2007/2008 P.E.V. that saw Ruto being ensnared by Louis Moreno Ocampo then Fatou Bensouda, prosecutors of the International Criminal Court (ICC) alongside Joshua Sang, Muthama, Uhuru, Henry Kosgei and M. Ali. Well, it's said as Raila became PM in the infamous Nusu Mkate government, he betrayed and therefore sacrificed Ruto.

Not long after, Ruto and Uhuru made the Jubilee alliance that saw them lead the government since 2013. So the largest part of the decade have seen Raila refer to Ruto as "mwizi" due to the rampant corruption scandals in the Jubilee gvt. Raila's cronies have associated Ruto with other nicknames like Arap Mashamba for his several court alignments in accusation of land grabbing.

Similarly, Ruto and his faction has been calling Raila "Mganga, jamaa wa vitendawili."

Now, if R. Odinga (Mganga) forms an alliance with W. Ruto (Mwizi) he would be compromising himself. How can he candidly convince his almost religious followers that Ruto is not the thief he has been leading them to believe Ruto is?

Well, if you are a supporter of Agwambo, would you support Ruto if baba says so? Unless somebody else uses your brain to think for you!

Well, none among the two can concede the other to run for president. Hustler cannot serve a third term as dp. For Agwambo, this is the last bullet, a borrowed one even before old age locks him out.

Anyway, after all and sundry, this political marriage will not work out. Just like most come we stay and see if we'll work out relationships.

It will end in tears, fortunately, they won't be my tears.

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u


Dear fellow Young people,

1. The government can't promise a 7 yr tax relief for youths while they are taxing basic commodities like Unga, vegetables etc. Let the government cut these taxes and we shall not need any tax relief!

2.The government cannot bribe MCAs Ksh 2, 000, 000 to pass the BBI while we have unpaid striking doctors, our mothers/sisters pay maternity fees, no medicines in hospitals, street children. Let the government first pay the hardworking doctors, cut maternity fees, ensure medicines are free in the hospitals, street children are have found a home...

3. The inflated tax on fuel should be cut so that the Kenyan shilling stops weakening against the dollar. Otherwise our shilling is weakening the Zimbabwe way.

4. The economy inflation rate is at 6.7% and the government continues borrowing more money to be stolen and squandered. The DCI is quick to inform Kenyans on development of corruption scandal cases then goes silent when those briefings get boring. We don't want to be promised how BBI will fight corruption! Let us see these thieves jailed and stolen money retrieved not frozen. That is better.

5. Kenya does not need more constituencies so that money reaches wananchi! Kenya needs credible, integrity, transparent, servitude, just leadership for every mwananchi to benefit. If the parliamentarians we have cannot be accountable for the largest percentage of CDF kitty, the same will be even when we add more of that prototype!

6. The government is wasting billions of money to campaign for a BBI they claim it will better the lives of Kenyans. Why are they not using that money they are spending in making Kenyans lives better now? On the contrary, they are making life unbearable!

7. H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta's government is recycling corrupt leaders. Once their corruption schemes are discovered in one government parastatal, commission or committee they are transfered to another docket before the DCI office and courts even clear their names. The latest is Amb. Kembi Gitura from KEMSA to C.A.K.
Sane Kenyans, we can't accept this ruBBIsh if we care for our tomorrow.

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u


The pen of Gitau wa Kung'u.

Sometimes I think about some of these government policies and shake my head in disappointment.

Why for example did the president declare a cessation of movement and lockdown on the five counties with such immediate decision only for the gvt spokesperson to give other info the next day? Of course that was at least relieving. But it spells out the mild rot in the government's think tank!

It paints an impression of confusion and incapacity to administer candidly.

For heavens sake, why were the five counties locked yet movement in and out of the locked region still happens to and from one county to the other. Isn't this making the zone an oven for covid breeding and transmission?

Then, why did Uhuru have to lock the nation without first considering how the country will mitigate through hunger, loss of jobs, closure of businesses (churches included) and the marauding starvation?

These and more government's policies are a sham. Yet they are the intelligence blossoms of our nation. They a're the reason we remain backward forever.
We may put on masks to prevent corona but it cannot prevent the odor of decay and the rot in this government.
Anyway stay safe: vaa mask, sanitise, don't go out unless it's really necessary, maintain social distance, avoid hugging, avoid touching your face....

God have mercy on us.

Written by Gitau wa Kung'u


✒️ Gîtaû wa Kûngû

His name is Hon. Jamleck Kamau. He chairs Tana And Athi Rivers Development Authority(TARDA).
He's former Kigumo MP, former Nairobi Metropolitan Minister in the H.E. Mwai Kibaki government. He is a gracious husband and  father. His humble and fatherly personality has made him dear to many from all walks of life.

I recall when I was doing my KCPE his is the only success card I received. He was Kigumo MP then. That came when I had almost become despondent from the bitterness of seeing all my classmates get numerous success cards stashed with money while I got none.

Even when I become toothless, when I will be walking supported by walking stick, "mûtirima" and my bald becomes a shining, JKIA on my head, the immense joy and the inspiration the card gave me will never lapse into oblivion.

I remember he supported a very needy family in my Karega village by helping them construct a good modern house.Then he sponsored their daughter in her education. She is now a gracious advocate of the High Court of Kenya.

During his tenure so many students credibly benefited from the CDF kitty and they are now great builders of the nation.
So many schools were renovated, classrooms built and new schools opened like Kigumo Girls High School.

So Many roads, bridges, factories, polytechnics, shopping centers, health centers; agricultural, health, economic growth and community projects can associate their birth, advancement and well being to the general.

Every village in Kigumo constituency and constituency in Nairobi county has a tale of his near benevolent leadership.

Well, every human has their own imperfections. This is not to fly balloons of praises but to appreciate the general coz he did his best to make the nation smile.

We miss his innovative, smart leadership. We want him back on the stewardship of the Murang'a people.

May God bless him in behemoth proportions.


By the pen of Gitau wa Kung'u

Cannibals are organisms that eat members of their own species. Emblematically, the society in which we are living in is associated with the idiom of a "man eat man" society. 

Now, individuals are entrusted in leadership but they are using the power to enrich themselves through corruption and embezzlement thus metaphorically playing cannibals.

 They rob instead of protecting public funds and resources. They play a role in impoverishment instead of enrichment of the people they lead through selfishness and greed. 

When corruption and embezzlement defrauds the nation public funds and resources now that the nation sinks into dept, it's the future that is being defrauded. 

Youths are the future of the nation. It's their future that is being impoverished. Prudence commands that prevention is better than cure. The youths ought to actively take part in annihilating bad leadership that dulls their future. 

Ironically, most youth leaders have been bitten by the cannibalistic leaders and infected with cannibalism. Instead of putting the needs of the tomorrow nation they are representing, selfishness, greed for power and money perverts them. They have oftenly joined the league of cannibals in lieu of fighting them.

 For instance, the "Youth for KANU" group famously known as the "YK92." They were very active in giving out handouts countrywide and campaigning for former president Moi. They included Cyrus Jirongo and William Ruto. The duo are believed to have accumulated vast wealth during that period.

Now, unless youths nominate their leaders with wisdom and foresight, the future of this nation will remain dark. Unless the youths speak out and act boldly in unison to tame the destroyers and killers of their future, they shall continue complaining on social media. 

They shall continue becoming ensnared into alcohol, drug and substance abuse. They shall continue being overwhelmed by poverty, crime, depression and committing suicides. 

Where there is no hope, there's no future. Where corruption thrives, poverty flourishes. Where bad leadership is prevalent, a ramshackle future is inevitable.

Youths must therefore wake up from slumber and ensure their behemoth number elects good leadership, fights for their rights and condemns the destroyers and mutilators of the future of Kenya.

©️ Written by Gitau wa Kung'u.



By Gitau wa Kung'u

Go my poem go, walk my dear to all the poets,
Massage their ears as you would a lover,
Hug them tightly for a little bit longer,
Pat their shoulders and kiss their cheeks,
Whisper my poem whisper, whisper my sweet poem to the poets.

Run my poem run, run like a deer to the poets,
Appreciate them for the late hours they sleep,
Weaving words with styles to make the world better,
Embrace them in gratitude for healing wounded hearts,
Whisper my poem whisper, whisper my sweet poem to the poets.

Flap my poem flap, fly like a dove to the poets,
Sing to them a harmonious song of  appreciation,
For their resilience even when things get overbearing,
For their spirit that never dims the light,
To inspire, educate and motivate the world,
Whisper my poem whisper, whisper my sweet poem to the poets.

Swim my poem swim, dive to the hearts of the poets,
Cuddle their hearts hearts with warm loving palms,
Acknowledge them for the blessing they really are,
For the angelic missions they struggle to fulfill,
Whisper my poem whisper, whisper my sweet poem to the poets.

Poem by Gitau wa Kung'u

Kigumo Basket Weavers to get International Market for their Basketry Products

By Gĩtaũ wa Kũng'ũ ( Yesterday was a great day for Murang'a Basket Weavers and the Kenyan fa...